Caitlin North- Civil War Timeline

  • Period: to

    Civil War Timeline

  • Abraham Lincoln Speech

    Abraham Lincoln Speech
    Abraham Lincoln delivers his Cooper Union speech
  • Pony Express Begins

    Pony Express Begins
    The Pony Express could now deliver a letter faster then ever before. It could run more than 1,800 miles in 10 days and stretched between St. Joseph Missouri and Sacramento California.
  • Paiute War begins

    Paiute War begins
    The Paiute War begin with the Northern Paiutes raiding Williams Station in Utahs territory
  • U.S. Constitutional Union Party

    U.S. Constitutional Union Party
    The U.S. Constitutional Union Party holds its convention and nominates John Bell for president.
  • Abraham Lincoln elected as Republican Party

    Abraham Lincoln elected as Republican Party
    Abraham Lincoln is elected as the Republicans party nominee for the President of the United States.
  • Paiute War Ends

    Paiute War Ends
    The Paiute War ends. It is ended by an informal ceasefire.
  • Stones Prairie Riot

    Stones Prairie Riot
    The Stones Prairie Riot takes place in Illinois between the Republicans and are Democratic supporters of Stephen A. Douglas
  • Abraham Lincoln President

    Abraham Lincoln President
    Abraham Lincoln wins Presidency against John C. Breckenridge, Stephen A. Douglas, and John Bell. He becomes the 16th President of the United States
  • Crittenden Compromise

    Crittenden Compromise
    Senator John J. Crittenden establishes the Crittenden Compromise to help try and resolve the U.S. secession issue.
  • South Carolina Leaves Union

    South Carolina Leaves Union
    South Carolina becomes the first state to take the big step and leave the Union.
  • Deleware

    Delaware decides not to secede from the Union
  • Mississippi

    Mississippi becomes the second state to secede from the Union
  • Florida

    Florida secede from the Union
  • Alabama

    Alabama secedes from the Union
  • Georgia

    Georgia secedes from the Union
  • Louisiana

    Louisiana secedes from the Union
  • Texas

    Texas secedes from the Union
  • Virginia

    Virginia secedes from the Union
  • Arkansas

    Arkansas secedes from the Union
  • North Carolina

    North Carolina
    North Carolina secedes from the Union
  • Tennessee

    Tennessee secedes from the Union
  • Forts Henry and Donelson

    Forts Henry and Donelson
    U.S. General Grant invades Tenn. In just 11 days grant forces capture 2 forts. This is where Grant earns his nickname "Unconditional Surrender".
  • Pea Ridge

    Pea Ridge
    Confederates are shut out of Missouri
  • Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown begins when Union forces under General McClellan closes in on the Confederate capital of Richmond, VA
  • Shiloh

    Grant brings his troops near a church named Shiloh in Tennessee. Grant does not send out scouts and the Confederate surprise him early. He winds up losing 1/4th of the men and this battle shows the importance of scouts.
  • Richmond

    In the Spring of 1862 McClellan finally on the move.
  • Seven Days Battle

    Seven Days Battle
    The Seven Days Battle lasted from June 25th until July 1, 1862. Lee had less men and lost more men than the North. However he did still unnerve McClellan enough to retreat.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    Confederate side is successful . Confederate side brings 22,000 more men.
  • Antitam

    Bloodiest single day battle, more than 26,000 casualties. 500 men died in less than 10 minuets. Lincoln fires McClellan for having 'the slows'.
  • Fredricksburg

    Burnside tried to capture confederate zone Maryes Heights under General Lee's direction
  • Battle of Chickasaw Bayou

    Battle of Chickasaw Bayou
    This battle resulted in another Confederate victory outnumbered two to one, resulted in six times as many Union casualties.
  • Proclamation Emancipation

    Proclamation Emancipation
    Freed slaves in states in the South. Discouraged G.B. and France from aiding the south. In addition it allowed blacks to enlist in the Union army.
  • Battle of Arkansas Post

    Battle of Arkansas Post
    General John McClernand and Admiral David Nixon Porter capture the Arkansas River for the Union.
  • Griersons Raid

    Griersons Raid
    Union cavalrymen are ambushed while crossing the Tickfaw River in Mississippi.
  • Battle of Jackson Mississippi

    Battle of Jackson Mississippi
    Union General Grant defeats Confederate General Johnson opening the way for the Siege of Vicksburg.
  • West Virginia

    West Virginia
    West Virginia becomes the 35th state to be admitted into the U.S.
  • Second Battle of Winchester

    Second Battle of Winchester
    Union is defeated by the Army of Northern Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley town of Winchester Virginia.
  • Gettysburg Day 1

    Gettysburg Day 1
    Both sides meet coincidentally on a farm in Pennsylvania. Union leader John Buford told his men to take high ground while the Rebels led by A.P. Hill rain into Buford in search for shoes and Lee.
  • Gettysburg Day 2

    Gettysburg Day 2
    Rebels push through the Union troops who mistakenly left Little Round Top unguarded. Confederates have the chance to take the high ground. Josh L. Chamberlain stops the rebels from Devils Den
  • Gettysburg Day 3

    Gettysburg Day 3
    Longstreet orders his troops to advance but are stopped and severly hurt by the Union. Union troops never countered attacked.
  • NY Riots

    NY Riots
    Irish immigrants vs the Republican war policies. 4 days of rioting and lynching in the streets of NY.
  • Battle of Campbells Station

    Battle of Campbells Station
    Confederate troops led by General Longstreet unsuccessfully attack Union forces under General Ambrose Burnside.
  • Battle of Olustee

    Battle of Olustee
    Union suffers one one of its costliest defeats at the Battle of Olustee near Lake City, Florida.
  • Northern Prissoners

    Northern Prissoners
    The first Northern prisoners arrive at the Confederate prison in Andersonville Georgia.
  • Ulysses S. Grant

    Ulysses S. Grant
    Lincoln appoints Grant commander in chief of all Union armies.
  • Fort Pillow

    Fort Pillow
    Confederate Troops under General Nathan Bedford Forrest shot more than 200 prisoners and some whites who begged for their lives.
  • Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

    Battle of Spotsylvania Court House
    4,000 troops die in an inconclusive engagement which lasts from May 8-21.
  • Battle of Cold harbor

    Battle of Cold harbor
    Grant pulls his troops from their position at Cold Harbor and moves South.
  • Battle of Noonday Creek

    Battle of Noonday Creek
    Confederate troops defeat Union forces, near Kennesaw, Georgia.
  • Battle of Peachtree Creek

    Battle of Peachtree Creek
    Confederate forces led by General John Bell Hood unsuccessfully attack Union troops under General William. T Sherman
  • Atlanta

    Atlanta is evacuated on orders of Union General William Sherman
  • Battle of Johnsonville

    Battle of Johnsonville
    Troops under the command of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest bombard a Union supply base with artillery, and destroy millions of dollars worth of material.
  • Shermans March to the Sea

    Shermans March to the Sea
    Union General Sherman burns Atlanta and starts to move south, living off the land, and causing extensive devastation to crops and mills.
  • African Americans

    African Americans
    Confederate States of America agree to use African American troops.
  • Battle of Five Forks

    Battle of Five Forks
    Confederate General Lee begins his final offense.
  • Lee Surenders

    Lee Surenders
    Lee and Grant meet at Appomattox Court House to draw terms of surrender.
  • Lincoln Assassinated

    Lincoln Assassinated
    John Wilkes Booth shots Lincoln in the back of the head and kills him. There are still many conspiracy theories behind the assassination.
  • Lincoln Dies

    Lincoln Dies
    After being shot the day before Lincoln dies early in the morning on the 15th and Vice President Andrew Johnson becomes 17th President of the U.S.
  • John Wilkes Booth Dies

    John Wilkes Booth Dies
    Union cavarly corner John Wilkes Booth in a Virginia Barn and cavalry Boston Corbett shoots the assassin dead.
  • Union Captured

    Union Captured
    Jefferson Davis is captured by the Union Army near Irwinville Georgia.
  • Jefferson Davis

    Jefferson Davis
    Jefferson Davis meets with his Confederate Cabinet for the last time.
  • Secret Service

    Secret Service
    U.S. Secret Service is founded
  • James Waddell Surrenders

    James Waddell Surrenders
    Confederate captain James Waddell surrenders the commerce raider CSS Shenandoah to the British at Liverpool
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    13th Amendment added to the Constitution ratified by three-quarters of the states.
  • Freedman's Bureau Bill passed

    Freedman's Bureau Bill passed
    New Freedman's Bureau bill passed by Congress. President Andrew Johnson vetoes the bill that authorized military trial for those accused of "depriving Negroes of the Civil Rights" on the same day
  • State of Peace

    State of Peace
    The United States declares that a state of peace exists with Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia
  • Congress Overides

    Congress Overides
    Congress overrides President Andrew Johnson's veto of the Civil Rights Act
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    Thirty-ninth Congress approves the 14th Amendment to the Constitution
  • NH

    New Hampshire ratifies the 14th Amendment
  • Tennessee ratifies the 14th Amendment

    Tennessee ratifies the 14th Amendment
    Tennessee ratifies the 14th Amendment. This quick ratification meant Tennessee would not suffer under 2nd Reconstruction
  • "General of the Armies"

    "General of the Armies"
    Congress establishes "general of the armies" and Ulysses S. Grant is immediately promoted to 4-star general and put in this position.
  • Admiral

    Congress establishes "general of the armies" and Ulysses S. Grant is immediately promoted to 4-star general and put in this position.
  • U.S. Secret Service opens up investigation

    U.S. Secret Service opens up investigation
    The U. S. Secret Service begins an investigation into the Ku Klux Klan
  • NJ

    NJ Ratifies the 14th Amendment
  • Blacks able to vote in D.C.

    Blacks able to vote in D.C.
    Blacks in Washington D. C. gain the right to vote in a bill passed over President Andrew Johnson's veto
  • NY

    New York ratifies the 14th Amendment
  • Louisiana rejects

    Louisiana rejects
    Louisiana rejects the 14th Amendment
  • Nebraska

    Nebraska becomes a state
  • Alaska

    William P. Seward signs a treaty with Russia buying Alaska for 2 cents an acre.
  • Senate ratifies Alaska

    Senate ratifies Alaska
    Senate ratifies treaty purchasing Alaska
  • Congress Passed Law

    Congress Passed Law
    Congress passes a bill admitting Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, and South Carolina into the Union because they ratified the 14th Amendment.
  • Edwin Stanton

    Edwin Stanton
    Edwin Stanton suspended by President Andrew Johnson
  • Grant

    Ulysses S. Grant becomes ad interim Secretary of War
  • U.S. gets Alaska

    U.S. gets Alaska
    Russia turns over Alaska to the United States