Cady's Timeline

By 997813
  • The cabin

    She wakes up in a cabin with no memories of her life and two men ready to kill her.
  • The friend

    She drives to a McDonalds in a stolen car and meets Ty, who offers to help.
  • Who is she

    Ty and Cady go to a library and find out Cady's name by researching to find a crime she was accused of.
  • Aunt Elizabeth

    Cady and Ty find Cady's Aunt Elizabeth, but then they are betrayed when they find she is working with the man from the cabin.
  • Memories

    Cady regains her memories and calls her parents, discovering that her little brother Max was infected with the disease her parents were studying, and that he needs the vaccine.
  • The cure

    Cady and Ty sneak into Z-Biotec HQ and find the cure. After giving Max the vaccine, they all live happily ever after.