509 BCE
Roman Republic
The Roman Republic's democracy was extremely similar to Greece's as it only allowed wealthy family's and politicly strong people to vote and was a representative democracy. -
508 BCE
Democracy in ancient greece
Considered the first democracy to exist, the Greek city state of Athens allowed only rich individuals to vote who ruled the state -
The Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was issued in June 1215 and was the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law. This set in motion the ideas that world leaders and such are not invincible to the law, this effects not just Canada but almost all nations today -
Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes had 3 main points "that the people agreed among themselves to “lay down” their natural rights of equality and freedom and give absolute power to a sovereign." I believe this set up how democracy works today as most people give up their power as a individual to a elected leader chosen by the people -
Divine Right of Kings
The Divine Right of Kings was a saying that every king in Europe was chosen by god himself and that they could not be held accountable for their actions. This virtually disappeared after the Glorious Revolution of 1688-1689 -
John Locke
John Locke was a English philosopher and physician who made contributions to modern theories of limited, liberal government that Canada uses -
Iroquois Confederacy
The Iroquois Confederacy was a union of 6 First Nation tribes in upstate New York that practiced a form of democracy that would later lay the ground work for North American democracy. -
British Parliament
The reason the Canadian parliament exists is because of the British parliament, After Canada was founded they made the parliament based off of the one back in London, and it's still like that to this day -
Revolutionary Ideas
The American Revolution of 1776 and the French revolution of 1789 had a major impact on Canadians, Idea's of democracy and freedom bled into Canada eventually sparking the small Upper Canadian Revolution of 1837 -
Social Revolutions
Social revolutions are sudden changes in the structure and nature of society, such as Women suffrage, Women being allowed in parliament helped shaped Canada and it's parliament to the Nation it is today