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CA-Motor Skills Development-First Year

  • Baby is Born

    Baby is Born
  • Period: to

    First Year of Life

  • Lifts Chin

    Lifts Chin
    She lifts her head and chin off the blanket when she is on her stomach
  • LIfts More Than Head

    LIfts More Than Head
    Not only is her head lifted, her chest comes off the blanket too.
  • Rolling

    Can roll from back to stomach and stomach to back.
  • Reaching

    She can reach for objects in her veiw but she isn't steady with her arm.
  • Grabbing

    She can reach and grab things fluently and successfully
  • Sitting

    Begins to sit up with out support, and likes every object to be in her mouth.
  • Leg support

    Leg support
    She can use her leg muscles well when I hold her on my lap and help her stand. She likes to bounce up and down while standing on my lap. Also pulling her self up using the couch. Doing this builds her leg muscles.
  • Crawling

    She can crawl with no problem
  • Talking and Games

    Talking and Games
    She says mommy and daddy in her own way, almost fluent for a baby her age. She also enjoys the game of Peek-A-Boo.
  • Food!

    Loves to eat food with her fingers and to be in control of the spoon.
  • Walking And Baby Talk.

    Walking And Baby Talk.
    She can fully walk. Say hello and bye and waves. Knows more words than just no or yes.
  • One Year!

    One Year!
    Says mommy and daddy in a more clear way. Gives hugs and kisses. Plays with toys in a way that help with learning. Not just hitting the toy to make it light up. Can feed herself more independtly now, and can help when she is getting dressed. Putting her arm out because she knows it is time to put on her jacket.