Byzantine Empire

  • Period: 306 to 337

    Constantine Rule

  • 312

    Battle of the Milvian Bridge

  • 313

    Edict of Milan

  • 320

    When was Constantine born and when did he died

    When was  Constantine born and when did he died
    He was born 272 and died on 337
  • 324

    Battle of Chrysopolis

  • 330


  • Period: 379 to 395

    Theodosius the Great Rule

  • 381

    Christianity is established in the Empire

  • 385

    Born and Death of Theodosius

    Born and Death of Theodosius
    Born 347 and died 395
  • 395

    Theodosius is the last Roman Emperor

  • Period: 527 to 565

    Justinian Rule

    Counquer a lot of land and created the Justinian Code
  • 532

    Nika Riots

  • 537

    Creation of the Hagia Sophia

    Creation of the Hagia Sophia
  • 550

    Justinian Birth and Death

    Justinian Birth and Death
    Born 483
    Death 565
  • Period: 610 to 641

    Heraclius Rule

    He was marked by military campains
  • 630

    Heraclius puts Greek as Oficcial Language

    he did this during his empire
  • 635

    Heraclius Birth and Death

    Heraclius Birth and Death
    Born 575
    Died 641
  • 797

    Irene first to women to be Emperor

  • Period: 797 to 802

    Irene Rule

    First women to be a emperor
  • 800

    Irene Birth and Death

    Irene Birth and Death
    Born 752
    Died 803
  • 800

    Irene was married to Leo

  • Period: 976 to 1025

    Basil II Rule

  • 1000

    Basil II born and Death

    Basil II born and Death
    Born 958 and died 1025
  • 1014

    Basil II blinded the Bulgars

  • Period: 1028 to 1050

    Zoé Rule

    She was married 3 times
    Born in Constantinople
    Ruled with Theodora
  • Period: 1042 to 1056

    Theodora Rule

    Ruled with Zoe
    Added laws
  • 1045

    Zoe Birth and Death

    Zoe Birth and Death
    Born 978
    Death 1050
  • 1055

    Thadora Born and Death

    She was born 981 and died 1056