Business timeline

  • The Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution is what sparked the manufacturing process.
  • Procter & Gamble company

    Procter & Gamble company
    Became largest and most profitable consumer goods company at the time
  • First telephone patent

    First telephone patent
    Alexander Graham Bell receives the first telephone patent
  • First Kodak camera

    First Kodak camera
    The first kodak camera to release on the market
  • Ford T model introduced

    Ford T model introduced
    The first production model made by Ford Motor company
  • Boeing Airline Company

    Boeing Airline Company
    William Boeing renames company to The Boeing Airline Company
  • World War II

    World War II
  • First Toyota sold in the US

    First Toyota sold in the US
    The first Japanese car sold in the United States
  • Introduction of the first Walmart store

    Introduction of the first Walmart store
  • Equal Pay Act

    Equal Pay Act
  • Apple is introduced

    Apple is introduced
    Founded by Steve Jobs
  • Nike signs Michael Jordan

    Nike signs Michael Jordan
    Nike signs Michael Jordan to promote their shoes
  • First smartphone

    First smartphone
    The IBM Simon
  • World Trade Organization founded

    World Trade Organization founded
  • Information Age

    Information Age
  • World Trade Center collapses

    World Trade Center collapses
  • Youtube

    The most popular video sharing website
  • First iPhone

    First iPhone
    Steve Jobs introducing the first iPhone
  • Financial Crisis

    Financial Crisis
  • Apple acquires Beats by Dr. Dre for $3 Billion

    Apple acquires Beats by Dr. Dre for $3 Billion