Business Management Gaming Timeline

  • Magnavox Odyssey

    Magnavox Odyssey
    The Magnavox Odyssey was released in 1972 and sold 350,000 units. Ultimately there were no competitors at the time, except for 'Pong' a video game that was dominating the gaming scene
  • Super Nintendo

    Super Nintendo
    The Super Nintendo Entertainment System was released in 1990 and was discontinued in 2003, it sold 49.1 million units in its lifespan. The SNES introduced graphics that were well ahead of its time as well as a great sound system, this is why it became such an icon.
  • PlayStation 1

    PlayStation 1
    The original was PlayStation was released in 1994 in Japan and made its debut in the US in September of 1995. It sold a total 102 million units in its 12 year lifetime. Its incredibly diverse game library gave it the edge over its competitors.
  • Nintendo 64

    Nintendo 64
    The Nintendo 64 was released in 1996 and sold 32.93 million units in its 6 year lifespan. The Nintendo 64s game catalogue, for example Golden Eye 007 is what lead to it being such a popular console.
  • The Original Xbox

    The Original Xbox
    The original Xbox released in 2001 and was apart of the 6th generation of consoles, by 2006 it had sold 24 million units. Halo:Combat was an incredibly popular game that contributed to the Xbox's success.
  • Wii

    The Wii is an old gen staple that was incredibly popular in the late 2000s an early 2010s. In its lifetime it sold 101.63 million units, its interesting design and immersive controller experience especially with games such as Mario Kart.
  • PS3

    In 2009, my birth year, the PS3 was the most popular console selling 22.91 million units in this year alone. The PS3 had a revolutionary processor called the 'Cell ' processor which was developed by Sony, IBM and Toshiba. This gave it the processing edge over its competitors leading to incredible sales.
  • Xbox One

    Xbox One
    The Xbox one was released in 2013 and was apart of the 8th Generation of gaming consoles, it competed with the likes of the PS4 and the nintendo Wii U. The Xbox one sold 3 million units in its opening year, this may have been due to its revolutionary motion sensor system, 'kinect.'
  • Nintendo Switch

    Nintendo Switch
    The Nintendo switch is a staple console in many households in recent times. Since its launch in 2017 it has sold 150.86 million copies. It vast game catalogue and portable nature is what lead to its success.
  • PS5

    The PS5 is apart of the 9th generation of consoles and is currently dominating the gaming scene. The PS5 sold 15 million units in its first year, this would be due to its incredibly impressive and vast game catalogue as well as its great processing power.