Business management

  • Scientific Managment

    Scientific Managment
    The goal of Scientific management is to look at the statistics of business and see what is the most efficient way to run a business. It also looks at the most environmentally friendly and what would be best for the company.
  • Federal Reserve

    Federal Reserve
    J.P. Morgan died and the country need a new bank so the government started the Federal Reserve.They managed money flow through the countries businesses.
  • The assembly line

    The assembly line
    The assembly line made factory work three times faster because it made people specialize in certain stuff then all work together to make whatever they were making.
  • TQM

    TQM is a theory on ways to improve o make the best employees or business. It basically says that you should always be improving and fixing how your business is run.
  • Stock Market crash

    Stock Market crash
    In October of 1929 the stock market crashed as a result of the changing economy the stock market remained crashed for about 10 years causing the great depression
  • First computer

    First computer
    In 1936 the first computer was invented the computer completely changed the way business if run. it used to be people working in factories but now people work on computers from their homes and robots work in factories.
  • Hierarchy of needs

    Hierarchy of needs
    The Hierarchy of needs explains what is most and important and what all is need in one's life using a pyramid.It was introduced by Abraham Maslow in a writing.
  • X and Y

    X and Y
    In the 1960s the X and Y theory was created by Douglas Mcgregor. The theories were originally designed to explain how employees think and how a manager should manage them.
  • Equal pay act

    Equal pay act
    In 1963 JFK signed the equal pay act which made it illegal to pay woman less than men for the same job.
  • highest stock market

    highest stock market
    This was the highest stock market ever recorded. the bull market last from 2011 till 2020 when it was ended by the corona virus.