Election Day
Press calls an early decision that Al Gore was the winner of the Florida election. -
Day After Election
Florida claims that votes are too close to call and will need to do a re-count. -
Florida Supreme Court orders a statewide recount of ballots. -
Day After Elections
Supreme Court determined it would hear arguments regarding Florida's decision to push back the time for certifying to vote past the period of state law by time hearing it was to occur the certification was completed -
U.S. Supreme COurt granted a temporary delay of the Florida Supreme Court order -
U.S. Supreme Court said the vote to stop the re-count was 5-4, therefore allowing the re-count to proceed. -
U.S. Supreme Court sent case back down to Florida Supreme Court who dismissed it. -
Bush Declared
The re-cpunt did not take place. George W. Bush was declared president based on the original Florida vote vounts.