Bush vs. Gore 2000

  • Inauguration Day

    President Bush is sworn in as president of the United States of America
  • Election Night 2000

    Election Night 2000
    Election Night: voters go to the polls to vote for Bush or Gore. Many people thought Gore had one the election by the time they went to bed.
  • Court Begins hearing appeals

    Court Begins hearing appeals
    Supreme court hears appeals for extending the time Florida certifying votes.
  • Florida Court orders a recount

    Florida Court orders a recount
    The highest court orders a recount of all votes in Florida
  • US Spreme Court

    The U.S. Supreme Court renders a complex decision to overturn the Florida Supreme Court ruling that called for manual recount: "Per Curiam" decision called Florida Court's recount unconstitutional
  • All Vote In

    Electors from each state meet and cast their votes. George Bush receives 271 votes and Al Gore receives 266 votes; one Gore elector from the District of Columbia abstains.