Bush Presidency

  • Attacking Iran (Foreign)

    Former President Bush called a routine mission and ordered to shoot down an Iraqi plane to enforce the "no-fly zone"
  • Bush backs Taiwan over China (Foreign)

    President Bush signals a change in relations with China by officially pledging military support for Taiwan in the event of an attack by China. This is the first time a presidential administration has publicly acknowledged a position that had previously been implicitly accepted.
  • 9/11 Terrorist Attack (Foreign)

    President George W. Bush spoke passionately of “disbelief, terrible sadness and quiet, unyielding anger.” He pledged that the government would bring the persons responsible for the hijacking to justice. It soon became clear that Al Qaeda, a loosely-knit Sunni Islamic extremist organization, was responsible for the attacks.
  • Major Tax Cuts (Domestic)

    Bush reveals a tax-cut plan of $674 billion over ten years. He suggests that the plan will stimulate the U.S. economy, end the recession, and create jobs. Democrats dismiss the plan as financially irresponsible and favorable to the rich.
  • Bush Bans Late Term Abortions (Domestic)

    Bush signs into law a ban on late-term abortion, the first law to ban an abortion procedure since the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade. The Supreme Court later upholds the ban.
  • Hurricane Katrina strikes (Domestic)

    Hurricane Katrina strikes the Gulf coast of the United States with devastating effects. The storm breaches the levee system in New Orleans, causing massive flooding and destruction of property. The Bush administration is harshly criticized for an inadequate response by the federal government to the storm’s destruction.