2001 BCE
Patriot Act passed
An act draw up due to rising terrorist attacks that basically revolved around allowing the government easier ways to find and track down terrorists. For example the act allowed surveillance and wire tapping legal in the act of finding a terrorists. -
Y2K Fiasco
Was when people feared the upcoming year of 2000 because memory on computers was saved by two digits. This being said people thought all technology would fail condemning us to living like the olden days. This caused an irrational fear to insure that this fiasco was going to lead to the apocalypse. -
Hanging "Chads" in Flordia
A new way to count ballots was invented and with the struggle of new technology problems occurred, the new machine created to count the ballots malfunctioned with the help of stupid people. The hole puncher didn't punch all the way through the paper causing uncertain votes and resulted in an attempt to recount the votes to see who one president. -
Bush v. Gore
The two candidates for the presidential election of 200o between Bush and the vice president Al Gore. Some problems occurred during this election resulting in multiple recounts of votes. In the end Al Gore conceded allowing Bush to be president when later recounts showed that Al Gore would have won. -
Bush/Gore Race
Presidential election race between Bush and Al Gore and was he closest election since 1876. In the race problems occurred causing Al Gore to drop out instead of staying for the recount. Florida also had 27 electoral votes. -
Bush Inaugurated as POTUS
Bush was inaugurated as the 43rd president of the united states after Al Gore conceded. -
Timothy McVeigh put to death
Timothy McVeigh was found guilty for the murder of 168 people. He was responsible for the Oklahoma city bombing and sentenced to death by lethal injection. -
9-11 Terror Attacks
19 extremists linked to Islamic relations and Al-Qaeda hijacked four planes. Two of the planes were flown into the twin towers the third hit the pentagon and the fourth plane was crashed in a field outside Pennsylvania. This attack killed nearly 3000 people. -
SE Asian Tsunami
The December 26 tsunami was caused by the boundary between India and Burma slipping and went at a speed of about 600 miles per hour. It was had a estimated magnitude of a 9.1 earthquake and was the fourth largest earthquake. More than 228,000 people died and hit 14 countries. -
Death of Pope John Paul
Known as one of the most influential leaders of the 20th century and was a crucial link in oppressing communism and promoting peace. He died in his private apartments at 9:37pm. His death was mourned by many and his body was brought to St. Peter's Basilica. -
Election of Pope Benedict XVI
Real name,Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, was elected the first German pope since the 11th century. As well as his election being the first conclave of the new millennium. Gave his blessing as the 256th pope. -
Hurricane Katrina Hits New Orleans
New Orleans averages about 6 feet below sea level and is surrounded by water so when Katrina was reported a mandatory evacuation was announced. When the hurricane hit 80 percent of New Orleans was under water. After Katrina nearly 2,000 people died and the coast guard rescued about 34,000 in New Orleans alone. -
Hurricane Rita Hits Texas
After the recent hurricane Katrina the people in east Texas headed for evacuation when hurricane Rita was reported to be a category 5. An estimated 2.5 people evacuated causing the worst grid lock in U.S history. An little over 100 people died from the grid lock, many people waited in the grid lock for 20 plus hours and Rita caused 12 billion in damage -
Steroids in baseball scandal
Senator George Mitchchell released a report that tied 89 Major League baseball players to the use of illegal steroids. The list had names from all thirty teams the list had names of more than a dozen players involved with the Yankees. His evidence was gathered through interviews of more than 700 people and 60 former baseball players. -
First "Bailouts" begin
The goal of this bill was to help renew trust in the functions of the global banking system. The senate passed a $700 billion bank bailout to buy mortgage-backed securities that were in danger of messing up. This allowed banks to sell their assets to TARP as a reverse auction. Ended the financial crisis of 2008. -
President Barack Obama Inauguration
jan 20 Barack Obama had his first inauguration and it was the largest attendance of any presidential inauguration in U.S history. First African American to hold office. -
America Recovery and Reinvestment Act
President Obama's plan that ended the great recession and put $787 billion into american family's pockets and small businesses. It was intended to boost demands and was necessary as a follow up to Bushes TARP program. -
Aff. Care Act
Known as Obama care has three main goals make affordable health care available for more people. Expand Medicaid program to cover adults with low income. Lower the cost of health care in general. -
Nancy Pelosi first female Speaker of the House
Nancy Pelosi was a California representative who became the first female speaker of the house. Her time lasted between Jan. 4th 2007 to January 3, 2011 . Her being a democrat she lost her position to the republican majority in 2010. (I put the end date instead of 2007 because that is what you said to put i think) -
Operation Geronimo
Operation Geronimo was U.S military raid in Pakistan of an al-Qa’ida compound in attempt to kill Americas most wanted terrorist Usama Bin Ladin. The strike was authorized by the president on April 29 with the help of many different intelligence that he was hiding out there. Operation Geronimo was carried out by a small team of special operation forces that raided the compound with the intent of creating little collateral damage and killed Usama Bin Ladin. -
War in Iraq Begins
President Bush built the case of war around Iraq due to the dictator Saddam Hussein at that time building weapons of mass destruction. Coalition forces banded together to fight against him mostly the US and the United Kingdom. Soon resulting in Saddam Hussein going into hiding.