Pages 1-150
In this section you learn about Pattyn and her family. She is Mormon and gets her first bofriend ever. They get caught together by her dad and they are forced to break up. and you learn about her life.
Read 1,410 pages -
Pages 150-300
in this section Pattyn has to go live with her Aunt in a far away city as punishment. She actually really loves i there and loves her Aunt J a lot too. She also falls in love with a boy, Ethan.
Read 1,560 Pages -
Pages 300-480
In this section while Patty and Ethan were out for a ride they almost go attacked by a mountain lion. the next day they go hunting for it and the whole group splits up. Patttyn almost gets attacked befor Ethan shoots the lion. Ethan and Pattyn becom even closer. Summer ends and Pattyn has to go back home where things are really bad.
Read 1,740 Pages -
PAges 480-531
In this section Pattyn finds out that she is pregnant. Her dad beats her. Ethan come o pick her up from school to run away. On their way out of town a police officer tries to pull them over but Ethan just goes faser. The truck slides on ice and Ethan and Patyn's baby die. Pattyn vows to get revenge on all the people who were mean or bad to her.
Read 1,791 Pages