
Bum to Gum

  • 2 BCE


    Hamburger and Bun: The Hamburger of the Big Mac is one of the biggest components of the sandwich. The total calorie count for the patty is 90 calories. The patty is made up of 6 grams of fat, 3 grams of carbohydrates and 7 grams of protein. As most Big Mac have two patties the amount of calories doubles from 90 to 180. The Bun is filled with carbohydrates. The total calorie count of the bread is 210 calories. Making up the calorie count is 3g of fat, 39g of carbohydrates and 7g of protein.
  • 1 BCE


    Lettuce and Cheese: The Lettuce is loaded with Vitamins. Per leaf of lettuce there is roughly 1 calorie. One leaf includes 0 g of fat, 0.1 g of carbohydrates and 0.1 g of protein to equal the 1 calorie. Safe to say it's just there for flavor. The cheese, American Cheese, is processed. Per 1 slice(28g) there is a total of 104 calories. Making up the majority of the caloric intake is the 9g of fat, 1g of carbohydrates and 5 grams of protein.
  • 1 CE


    The Digestion of the Big Mac begins at the mouth. Both physical and chemical digestion commence. The physical digestion is called mastication which makes the food smaller. Chemical digestion starts when the enzyme called salivary amylase break down starch into simpler sugars(monosaccharide and disaccharide sugar). As mastication occurs the food is manipulated by the tongue while being mixed by the saliva(hydrolysis) for the creation of the bolus to allow an easy swallow of the mass.
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    Digestion Part 1/2

    Digestion Part 1/2
    Digestion takes place in the mouth and the stomach.The food is moved down the esophagus from the mouth to the stomach,via peristalsis which are muscular contractions that push and pull food along the gastrointestinal tract. When the Esophageal sphincter, a ringlike muscular structure that controls flow into the stomach, relaxes the bolus enters the stomach.
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    Digestion Part 2/2

    Digestion Part 2/2
    The 3 functions of the stomach include storage,digestion and passing food into the small intestine.The mixing of the bolus can't occur all at once with the gastric juice.The acidic environment(pH 2) created by HCl in the stomach is the most effective environment for pepsin to break down protein molecules into amino acids.The combination ofHCl and pepsin forms Gastric juice. In addition,gastric lipase is combined with gastric juice to aid in the digestion of triglycerides(fats)into fatty acids.
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    The Small Intestine is where 90% of the digestion and absorption of the Chyme occurs. The Duodenum is the beginning of the Small Intestine. The Duodenum releases a hormone called CCK that allows the Gall Bladder to contract. The Gall Bladder releases bile into the duodenum. After the Duodenum digests all the Fats, Proteins, and Carbohydrates, the Chyme is moved on to the Jejunum.
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    The Jejunum section of the Small Intestine uses Villi which are small fingerlike projections that increase the surface area so that more nutrients can be absorbed passively into the bloodstream.
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    After the Small Intestine absorbs the Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins the rest moves through to the Large Intestine. The Large Intestines function is to remove the water from the food and move it to the rectum for the process of elimination.