
Bryanna franz edgar allen poe

  • poe was born

  • Period: to

    know about poe!

  • Poes sister born.

    Poe's sister Rosalie is born. Shortly after her birth, or possibly even before it, David Poe deserts the family, leaving Poe's mother alone with three children. Making matters worse, Elizabeth Poe soon falls ill with tuberculosis. (Shmoop)
  • Parents death :(

    Elizabeth Arnold Poe dies of tuberculosis in Richmond, Virginia. Within days, David Poe also dies of tuberculosis. With no parents to take care of them, the three children of the family are split up. Henry goes to live with his paternal grandparents. A Richmond couple, John and Frances Allan, take in Edgar as a foster child. Rosalie is taken in by another Richmond family named Mackenzie. Both Edgar and Rosalie adopt their foster families' names as their middle names. ( shmoop)
  • Allan family sails to englasnd

    The Allan family sails to London, where Edgar enrolls in school
  • Back to the USA

    Five years after leaving America for England, the Allans return to Richmond, Virginia.
  • First poem

    A fifteen-year-old Edgar Allan Poe pens his first known poem(smoop)
  • Collage

    Poe enrolls midway through the academic year at the University of Virginia, which had opened less than a year before.
  • splits with allans

    After running up a $2,000 gambling debt while at college, Poe gets into an argument with his foster father when John Allan refuses to give him money to settle the debt. Poe ditches college and the Allans. He moves to Baltimore to join relatives there.(Smoop)
  • Death

    After being found unconscious in a Baltimore gutter, Edgar Allan Poe is taken to the hospital and pronounced dead of causes still unknown. He is buried at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Baltimore.