The Brown's Frst Recorded Involvement in Slave Tading
The vessel, the Mary, was the first slave ship to sail from Providence. -
Brown's Next Involvement in Slave Trading
This ship, known as the Wheel of Fortune, was captured by a French privateer, causing the Brown's to lose much of their investment. -
The Sally Begins its Voyage
The Sally leaves Newport for Africa. -
The Sally Arrives in West Africa
Captian Hopkins arrived on the coast of what is now Guinea to collect slaves to take across the Middle Passage. -
The Last Slaves
The last two dozen surviving slaves are sold at Antigua. -
Captian Hopkins purchases his last slave.
Hopkins purchased a total of 196 slaves for the journey. -
Slave Rebellion
When the slaves rebelled, Hopkins suppressed the uprising by firing at the slaves. A total of eight slaves were killed.