Brown vs. BOE

  • Brown vs. Board

    Plaintiff - Brown
    Defendant - BOE
    Major Issue - Brown claimed that Topeka's racial segregation violated the Constitution's Equal Protection Clause because the city's black and white schools were not equal to each other and never could be
    Outcome - The decision held that racial segregation of children in public schools violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment
  • Reynolds vs. Sims

    Plaintiff - Reynolds
    Defendant - Sims
    Major Issue - Alabama's apportionment scheme violated the Constitution's Equal Protection Clause
    Outcome - the Court ruled that Alabama's apportionment scheme did violate the Constitution's Equal Protection Clause
  • Griswold v. Connecticut

    Plaintiff - Griswold
    Defendant - Connecticut
    Major Issue - Griswold, the executive director of Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut, were arrested and found guilty as accessories to providing illegal contraception
    Outcome - ruled that the law violated the "right to marital privacy" and could not be enforced against married people
  • Miranda vs. Arizona

    Plaintiff - Miranda
    Defendant - Arizona
    Major Issue - He appealed to the Arizona Supreme Court, claiming that the police had unconstitutionally obtained his confession
    Outcome - ruled that the prosecution could not introduce Miranda's confession as evidence in a criminal trial because the police had failed to first inform Miranda of his right to an attorney and against self-incrimination
  • Roe vs. Wade

    Plaintiff - Jane Roe
    Defendant - Wade
    Major Issue - women can’t get abortions
    Outcome - The Court ruled that the Texas statute violated Jane Roe's constitutional right to privacy
  • Frontiero vs. Richardson

    Plaintiff - Frontiero
    Defendant - Richardson
    Major Issue - Frontiero, a lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force, applied for armed service benefits for her husband under a congressional statute. It was denied
    Outcome - ruled that the statute was unconstitutional because it impermissibly discriminated against women
  • Regents of University of California v. Bakke

    Plaintiff - Bakke
    Defendant - Regents of University of CA
    Major Issue - alleging that the medical school's admission policy violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection
    Outcome - ruled that a state may constitutionally consider race as a factor in its university admissions to promote educational diversity, but only if considered alongside other factors and on a case-by-case basis
  • Bowers v. Hardwick

    Plaintiff - Bowers
    Defendant - Hardwick
    Major Issue - Hardwick and his partner were arrested on charges of violating the Georgia Sodomy Statute
    Outcome - ruled that the right for gays to engage in sodomy was not protected by the Constitution, that the Georgia law was legal, and that the charges against Hardwick would stand
  • Casey vs. Planned Parenthood

    Plaintiff - Planned Parenthood
    Defendant - Casey
    Major Issue - Pennsylvania passed the Abortion Control Act, which required women to give "informed consent" before abortions could be performed and imposed a 24-hour waiting period upon women seeking abortions
    Outcome - ruling that Roe v. Wade was affirmed but that the bulk of the Pennsylvania law was constitutional nonetheless
  • Gideon vs. Wainwright

    Plaintiff - Gideon
    Defendant - Gideon
    Major Issue - denied of an attorney
    Outcome - acquitted of all charges