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Brown V. Board of Education

  • 5 Cases Combined Into Brown V. Board of Education

    5 Cases Combined Into Brown V. Board of Education
    Oral arguments of 5 cases were heard before the Supreme Court and it was decided they would be combined into one case: Brown V. Board of Education.
  • Chief Justice Vinson Meeting: No Decision

    Chief Justice Vinson Meeting: No Decision
    Cheif Justice Fred. M. Vinson met with other judges in​ discuss the Brown V Board of Education case. Thye could not reach a decision and asked lawyers to reargue the case in the fall of 1953.
  • 34th President of the United States: Eisenhower

    34th President of the United States: Eisenhower
    Dwight D. Eisenhower is inaugurated​ 34th president of the United States of America. He was initially not enthused about stepping into a controversial issue and case.
  • Re-argument of Brown Cases

    Re-argument of Brown Cases
    The Supreme Court announces its decision​ to reargue the Brown V Board of Education cases
  • Chief Justice Vinson Dies

    Chief Justice Vinson Dies
    Supreme Court Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson dies of a heart attack. Some have said, ​"there is a God" because he would have voted to keep segregation.
  • Warren Nominated As New Chief Justice

    Warren Nominated As New Chief Justice
    Eisenhower nominates Governor Earl Warren of California as the new chief justice of the Supreme Court
  • Robinson Argues 14th Amendment

    Robinson Argues 14th Amendment
    In the first day of arguing, Spottswood W. Robinson argued the 14th amendment to end segregation.
  • Thurgood Marshall Spoke

    Thurgood Marshall Spoke
    NAACP lawyers got another chance​ to make a case. Thurgood Marshall spoke
  • Warren Persuades The Justices

    Warren Persuades The Justices
    By early March, Cheif Justice Warren was able to persuade all of the justices to agree unanimously that segregation should be deemed illegal.
  • Unanomous Ruling Reached: Schools Should Be Desegregated

    Unanomous Ruling Reached: Schools Should Be Desegregated
    The Supreme Court announced its decision in Brown V. Board of Education: by a 9-0 count, the justices ruled that "in the field of public education the doctrine of 'separate but equal' has no place."