Civil Rights

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Who- Oliver Brown- Linda Brown
    Where- Topeka, Kansas
    The court came to a unanimous decision. The court ruled that segregated schools deprived people of equal protection of the laws. The court found that segregation was unconstitutional.
  • Emit Hill

    Emit Hill
    Emmett Hill was a 14 year old black boy that was accused of harassing a white lady. Her husband and his relative kidnapped Emmett and tortured him and killed him.
  • Rosa Parks/ bus boycott

    Rosa Parks/ bus boycott
    Rosa arrested for not moving seats on bus. There was a boycott after this started by many people. No one rode buses for 381 days and busses shut down and Supreme Court let blacks ride buses.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference
    A group of people made by pastors to fight for equal rights for Africans. In a calmly matter no dangerous acting. Played big role in civil rights movements.
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    9 black Students wanted to go to a white school. They went and had an escort by national guard.
  • Greensboro Sit ins

    Greensboro Sit ins
    4 black college students go to Woolworth’s and refuse to move and leave a area for just white people and then throughout the days 1,000 students where sitting.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    Group of people that went that volunteer from 39 states. They get hurt tires slashed and harmed by KKK.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    Peaceful protest for blacks to get more jobs and freedom and where Martin Luther gave his most famous speech.
  • Civil rights act of 1964

    Civil rights act of 1964
    Was a landmark piece of legislation that outlawed discrimination based on religion sex or color or national origin. Also paved ways for desegregation and enforcement of voting rights.
  • Malcom X

    Malcom X
    Civil rights leader who was part of Islam. Wanted black people to believe in themselves and start their own business he was shot 21 times Thomas hogan convicted of killing him.
  • Selma

    Selma Alabama there were marches for equal rights voting led by Martin Luther king jr. brought attention to racial discrimination and led to passage voting rights acts of 1965.
  • Voting rights act of 1965

    Voting rights act of 1965
    Ending the right to vote of African Americans any discrimination in voting. Now a federal not a state matter.
  • Martin Luther King Jr

    Martin Luther King Jr
    After a protest he went back to his motel and was shot. The shooter James was early sentenced to 99 years. His death marks the end of civil rights movement.