Brown V. Board of Education

  • 13th admendment

    the 13th admendment was passed to end slavery
  • 14th admendment

    the 14th admendment was passed to strengthen the rights of newly freed slaves
  • 15th admendment

    the 15th admendment was passed to strenghten the rights of newly freed slaves more
  • jim crow laws

    jim crow laws
    the jim crow laws were challenged in court
  • homer plessy case

    homer plessy case
    the homer plessy case was brought to court against the jim crow laws
  • equal money spent

    a law was passed to ensure an equal amount of money was being spent on ALL schools including black schools

    the NAACP was founded to help blacks have the same rights as whites
  • no chinese

    a law was passed that said no chinese people where allowed to attend the white school
  • murray V. maryland

    murray V. maryland
    another case aginst segregation was filed and brought to the supreme court
  • equal???

    the seprate but equal was ruled in the supreme court as not true
  • strike

    in 1948 there was a month-long strike to end segregation
  • to court

    the brows case to end segregation was finally brought to court.
  • sweatt V. painter

    sweatt  V. painter
    the sweatt V. painter case was filed and brought to the supreme court
  • browns case

    browns case
    yet another case agaist segragation was brought to court
  • violation

    the court ruled segregation as a violation to the 14th admendment