Brown V. Board of Education

By Huynhmi
  • Seperate but Equal

    Seperate but Equal
    The U.S. Supreme Court made the doctrine "Seperate but Equal" which gave colored and whites to have the same rights, educations, and other things.
  • Brown v. Board of Education starts in Topeka Kansas

    NAACP and Thurgood Marshall help the case greatly. They fail after 2 years of trying to desegrate, but last lawsuit ends desgration in Topeka.
  • Force desgration , Virginia

    NAACP file lawsuits throughout Virginia to start desgration.
  • Any school enrollment , Kentucky

    Kentucky passes a law that students can enroll in any school as long as the colored and the white students' classrooms 25 miles apart.
  • Desgration starts in Little Rock

    Desgration starts in Little Rock
    Desgration starts in Little Rock. Nine students go to a white school. Protester block them from entering. Arkansas governor uses national guards to keep out the students.
  • Desegration starts again

    Desegration starts again
    U.S. Supreme Court starts desegration again , but it causes a riot in the south.