The Brown Family
The Brown Family's first record involving in the slave trade occured in the 1735 when the 4 brothers and Captain James Brown sent a ship of slaves to Africa. -
Nicholas and John
In 1759 the next family involvment came and Nicholas and John helped their uncle Obadiah and others with outfitting another ship. -
The Sally
They Sally left Newport for Africa on September 10th , 1764 -
The arival
On this date Captain Hopkins and The Sally arrived in West Africa in what is now known as the country of Guinea. -
Captain Hopkins slaves
Captain Hopkins bought his final slave but in all he purchased 196 slaves, 9 of which he sold to other slave owners. From the 196 slaves 20 of those slaves died and more died on the voyage. -
The Rebellion
On the 8th day at sea the slaves decided to start a rebellion against the slave owners. During this rebellion Hopkins managed to hold the slaves off buy killing 8 slaves and wounding several more. -
Brown brothers
" We need not mention how disagreeable the news of your losing...88 slaves is to us and all your friends, but yourself contuining in health is a great satisfaction to us, that we remain cheerful
- Brown brothers to Esek Hopkins