brothers timeline

By richy
  • wilbur was born

    he was born in Milville, Indiana. wilbur was the third oldest in the family. with two older simblings
  • moving

    Wright family moves to Dayton, Ohio
  • oriville was born

    Orville Wright born.
  • Katharine was born

    Wilbur and Orville's sister, Katharine Wright, born.
  • the inspiration

    Upon his return from a church business trip, Bishop Milton Wright brings home a toy Penaud helicopter. The toy inspires Wilbur and Orville's first interest in flight.
  • moving to richmond indiana

    Wright family moves to Richmond, Indiana, where Orville takes up kite-building
  • Wright family returns to Dayton

    Wilbur completes high school thast the reason they moved back
  • wilbur learns new things

    Wilbur takes special postgraduate courses at Dayton Central High School and studies Greek and trigonometry.
  • Orville starts The Midget a school newspaper

    With his friend Ed Sines, Orville starts The Midget a school newspaper with a press given to him by his brothers and type from his father.
  • orville gos to dayton high school

    Orville starts Dayton Central High School just like his brother
  • orville starts to be a publisher

    Orville begins to publish the weekly West Side News. Editor and publisher he maintains an active interest in printing and publishing for several years.
  • the wright brothers mom dies

    Wilbur and Orville's mother, Susan Catherine Koerner Wright, dies at age 58.
  • Orville leaves high school

    Orville begins final year of high school as a special student in Latin. Leaves school before graduation.
  • Wilbur and Orville do newpaper

    Wilbur and Orville start a weekly magazine, Snap Shots
  • starting to manufacture their own company

    Wright brothers begin to manufacture their own brand of bicycles-- first the Van Cleve and the "Wright Special," and later the less expensive St. Clair.
  • brothers flying plane

    Brothers build and Wilbur flies a biplane kite in order to test the "wing-warping" method of controlling a flying machine.
  • installing the engine

    Brothers assemble the 1903 machine and install the engine
  • flying in D.C

    Wilbur and Orville arrive in Washington, D.C. to resume trial flights at Fort Meyer for U.S. government.
  • wilbur dies

    Wilbur dies of typhoid fever in Dayton.
  • orville sells company

    Orville sells his interest in the Wright Company but serves as consulting engineer.
  • orville dies

    Orville dies of heart attack in Dayton