British Rule In North America

  • Seven Years War Starts

    Seven Years War Starts
    The seven Years War starts after England declares war on France. this war proved the strength of the British Military. part of the conflict was over the Ohio valley.
  • Pontiac Resists British Rule

    Pontiac Resists British Rule
    Pontiac is unsatisfied with British rule, and believes that the French were better to indigenous peoples. This results in battles, and the spreading of smallpox by the British.
  • The Royal Proclomation is Signed

    Forbade all settlement west of a line drawn across the Appalachian mountains, and deemed it an Indian reserve.
  • James Murray becomes governor of Quebec

    James Murray became the governor of Quebec. He caused an uprising among Merchants, and much discontent among Canadians. He was later removed from Canada.
  • Guy Carleton bcomes Governor

    Guy Carleton believed that Catholics should hold office, believed in French customs and laws. he was governor during the French revolution.
  • the Quebec Act

    This restored all of Canada's lands, religion, and French Civil Law. Canadian's were now allowed to hold office, American's were outraged by the French return.
  • Treaty of Paris Signing

    This was signed to end the Seven years War, the American revolution, and the French Indian war.