British Raj

  • The Battle Of Plassey

    The Battle Of Plassey
    This was a battle against the British East India Company of 3000 soldiers against the Nawab Army of 5000 soldiers. Due to the rainy weather on this day, Nawab Army's gun powder got wet when the Britsh had theirs covered. therefore, the British won and took treasures from.This all led to further expansion of the British control.
  • India Under the British East India Company

    India Under the British East India Company
    During this time 10 million Indians died from famine. Also Indians were barred from office. The British cosidered them inherenty corrupt and untrustworthy.
  • Indian Revolt

    Indian Revolt
    Bengali Muslim troops marched to Delhi and pledged to support the Mugahal Empire. After one year, rebels surrendered on June 20, 1858.
  • British Control Shifts to Office

    British Control Shifts to Office
    Due to the rebellion, the Britished abolished the Mughal Dynasty. The current Emperor of India, Badhadur Shah, was convicted of sedition and then was exiled to Burna. The control of India was given to a British Governer General.