British North America 1763-1783

  • James Murray

    Appointed Governor of the District of Quebec
  • The Royal Declaration

    Issued to establish a basis of government administration in the North American territories. It also defined the interior west of the Appalachian Mountains as Aboriginal reserve. This angered the inhabitants of the 13 colonies
  • James Murray

    Appointed Governor of the province
  • Pontiac's Resistance

    This is considered the most successful First Nations resistance to the European's invasion in our history.
    At this point the Great Council convened to try to find a way to end the war
  • The Quebec Act

    This Act, enlarged the boundaries of Quebec. And ensured religious freedom as well as restored the French Civil Law.
  • Guy Carleton

    Lead the defence of Quebec during the rebel invasion
  • Declaration of Independence

    This is when the 13 colonies became sovereign independent states
  • Treaty of Paris signed

    This was the end of the American Revolution. Britain acknowledged Americans independence . This treaty set boundaries between the British Empire in North America and the United states