The castle at sunset

British Literature Timeline

  • 450

    Old English 450-1066 (Anglo-Saxon Period)

    Old English 450-1066 (Anglo-Saxon Period)
  • May 3, 731

    The Venerable Bede Completes A History of The English Church and People

    The Venerable Bede Completes A History of The English Church and People
  • May 3, 750

    A Surviviing version of Beowulf is composed

    A Surviviing version of Beowulf is composed
  • May 3, 1386

    Georffrey Chaucer begins writing The Canterbury Tales

    Georffrey Chaucer begins writing The Canterbury Tales
  • May 3, 1470

    Thomas Mallory writes Le More D' Arthur

    Thomas Mallory writes Le More D' Arthur
  • May 3, 1485

    The english Renaisance Period 1485-1625

    The english Renaisance  Period 1485-1625
  • May 3, 1516

    Thomas More publishes "Utopia"

    Thomas More publishes "Utopia"
  • May 3, 1549

    The Book of Common Prayer is issued

    The Book of Common Prayer is issued
  • Edmund Spencer publishes "The Faerie Queens Part 1"

    Edmund Spencer publishes "The Faerie Queens Part 1"
  • Shakespeare writes 'Romeo and Juliet"

    Shakespeare writes 'Romeo and Juliet"
  • "The Faerie Queens" by Edmund Spencer is published in its entirely

    "The Faerie Queens" by Edmund Spencer is published in its entirely
  • King James Bible is published

    King James Bible is published
  • Francis Bacon publishes "Novum Organum"

    Francis Bacon publishes "Novum Organum"
  • The Seventeeth and Eighteenth Centuries 1625-1798

    The Seventeeth and Eighteenth Centuries 1625-1798
  • Sir Francis Bacon publishes "The New Atlantis"

    Sir Francis Bacon publishes "The New Atlantis"
  • John Donne's songs and sonnets are published

    John Donne's songs and sonnets are published
  • John Milton publishes "Lycidas"

    John Milton publishes "Lycidas"
  • John Suckling publishes 'Fragmenta Aurea"

    John Suckling publishes 'Fragmenta Aurea"
  • Robert herrick publishes 'Hesperides"

    Robert herrick publishes 'Hesperides"
  • Richard Loelace publishes ''Lucasta"

    Richard Loelace publishes ''Lucasta"
  • Early newspape ads appear

    Early newspape ads appear
  • Samuel Pepys begins "Diary"

    Samuel Pepys begins "Diary"
  • John Milton's "Paradise Lost" published

    John Milton's "Paradise Lost" published
  • Sir Isaac Newton publishes "Principia"

    Sir Isaac Newton publishes "Principia"
  • John Locke publishes his two treaties of government

    John Locke publishes his two treaties of government
  • First daily newspaper begins publication

  • Alexander Pope publishes "The Rape of the Locke"

    Alexander Pope publishes "The Rape of the Locke"
  • Daniel Defoe publishes "Robinson Crusoe"

    Daniel Defoe publishes "Robinson Crusoe"
  • Johnathan Swift publishes "Gulliver's Travels"

    Johnathan Swift publishes "Gulliver's Travels"
  • Thoma Gray publishes "Elegy in a Country Churchyard"

    Thoma Gray publishes "Elegy in a Country Churchyard"
  • Samuel Johnson publishes the english dictionary

    Samuel Johnson publishes the english dictionary
  • James Boswell publishes "Life of Samuel Johnson"

    James Boswell publishes "Life of Samuel Johnson"
  • The Romantic Period 1798-1832

  • William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge publish Lyrical Ballads

  • Thomas Moore writes Irish Melodies

    Thomas Moore writes Irish Melodies
  • Bryon publishes "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage"

    Bryon publishes "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage"
  • Jane Austen publishes "Pride and Prejudice"

    Jane Austen publishes "Pride and Prejudice"
  • Mary Wollstonecraft Sheller publishes "Frankenstein" or the "Modern Prometheus"

    Mary Wollstonecraft Sheller publishes "Frankenstein" or the "Modern Prometheus"
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley writes "Ode to the West Wind"

    Percy Bysshe Shelley writes "Ode to the West Wind"
  • John Keats pubolishes "Ode on a Grecian Urn"

    John Keats pubolishes "Ode on a Grecian Urn"
  • Beowulf c. 680- c. 800

    Beowulf c. 680- c. 800
  • The Saxon monks copy Old English poems into The Exeter Book

    The Saxon monks copy Old English poems into The Exeter Book