
British Literature

  • Period: Sep 17, 1015 to Nov 12, 1035

    Canute the Dane

    The 1st Scandinavian king from those Scandinavians that had begun to migrate to England.
  • Period: Dec 25, 1066 to Sep 9, 1087

    William I the Conqueror

    The ambitious French Duke invaded England and became monarch
  • Period: to

    William Pitt the Younger Prime Minister

    Added Ireland to Great Britian
  • Period: to

    American War of Independence

    Great Britian fought hard not to lose the American colonies
  • Seditious Meetings Act

    repressed freedom to assembly and free speech
  • Parliamentary union of Ireland & Great Britain

    Great Britain is enlarged to include Ireland
  • Great Britain abolishes slave trade

    Earlier than the USA
  • The Prince of Wales become Regent

    because George III (incurably insane)
  • Period: to

    The War between Great Britain & USA (War of 1812)

    Also related to Napoleonic wars
  • Period: to

    Alfred the Great

    The reign of the first English monarch