British Literature

  • Jan 1, 750


    Beowulf was an Anglo-Saxon story that had been passed down for generations.
  • Apr 24, 1343

    Geffery Chauser is born

    Geffery Chauser is born
    Geffery Chauser was one of the most famous authors of his time and has had a huge impact on the literature world. He is best known for writing the Canterburry Tales.
  • Jan 1, 1386

    The Canterbury Tales

    The Canterbury Tales
    The Canterbury Tales was written by famous author Jeffery Chauser in 1386. The story follows eight travelers on a journey. This excellent work by Chauser also branches off and talks about characters such as "The Pardoner", and "The Wife of Bath".
  • Period: Jan 1, 1485 to

    The English Renaissance Period

  • Apr 26, 1564

    William Shakespeare is baptized

    William Shakespeare is baptized
    William Shakespeare was baptized on the 26th of April 1564. His actual bitrth date is unknown. Shakespeare was known for his sonnet, The Tragedy of MacBeth, Romeo and Juliet, and many more.
  • The Tragedy of MacBeth

    The Tragedy of MacBeth
    The Tragedy of MacBeth is one of William Shakespeare's finest works of literature. This work was known as a drama, and has been remade into movies as well. This is about a mans hunger for power get the best of him and soon enough destroys him. The work was written in 1606.
  • Shakespeare dies

    Shakespeare dies
    The world loses and icon.
  • Period: to

    The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

  • Jonathan Swift is born.

    Jonathan Swift is born.
    On November 30th 1667 is born and would later write A Modest Proposal as well as many other famous works.
  • Grey is born

    Grey is born
    Thomas Grey is born and later in life writes Elegy in a Country Churchyard.
  • Gulliver's Travels

    Gulliver's Travels
    Gulliver's Travels was written by Jonathan Swift in 1726. The story is a satire which is used throughout the entire story.
  • A Modest Proposal

    A Modest Proposal
    A Modest Proposal was written by Jonathan Swift in 1729. This bizzare and disturbing work could make anyone feel creeped out at the text alone. Swift puts out a proposal to help rid the streets of poverty, that the mothers of the children should turn to canabalism and kill and devour their children. Satire is also used throughout this work as well.
  • Jonathan Swift dies

    Jonathan Swift dies
    Swift also know as a satirist dies in 1745.
  • Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard

    Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
    Elegy in a Country Churchyard was written by Thomas Grey in 1751. The story explains that all people will die and leave the earth eventually and noone can stop it or escape it. Grey also explains that people also might be afraid that others will forget what they had done in the time living on the earth and what type of a person that the individual had been.
  • Blake is born

    Blake is born
    William Blake is born and later writes The Lamb, The Tyger, and many other poems.
  • Burns is born

    Burns is born
    Burns is born and would soon write To a Mouse.
  • Grey dies

    Grey dies
    Grey dies.
  • To a Mouse

    To a Mouse
    To a Mouse was written by Robert Burns in 1785. In this story Burns is talking directly to a mouse because he had stepped on the mouses home by accident.
  • The Lamb

    The Lamb
    The Lamb by William Blake was written in 1789. This story has a very large tie in with the Bible. It also uses reference to God and Heaven.
  • The Tyger

    The Tyger
    The Tyger is another poem by William Blake and it was written in 1794. This poem shows more references to evil rather than good.
  • Burns dies

    Burns dies
    Burns dies at a young age.
  • Period: to

    The Romantic Period

  • Blake dies

    Blake dies
  • The Lady of Shallot

    The Lady of Shallot
    The Lady of Shallott was written by Alfred Tennyson in 1833.
  • Period: to

    The Victorian Period

  • Jane Eyre

    Jane Eyre
    Jane Eyre was written by Charolette Bronte' in 1847.
  • Period: to

    The Modern and Postmodern Periods

  • Orwell is born

    Orwell is born
    George Orwell is born and later in his life he write the famous novels, Animal Farm, and 1984. He also wrote Shooting an Elephant.
  • Shooting an Elephant

    Shooting an Elephant
    Orwell writes this story which he makes the reader assume that he is the one that is shooting the elephant in this work. This was one of many works that Orwell wrote.
  • Orwell dies

    Orwell dies
    One of the best known modern period authors dies of TB.
  • Period: to Jan 1, 1485

    The Old English and Medieval Periods