Period: Jan 1, 1550 to
British Colonialism in North America
Period: to
Reign of James I
James Charles Stuart (James VI) became the king of Scotland (1567-1625) and king of England (James I, 1603-1625) until his untimely death on 1625. Being king of both Scotland and England brought unity to both countries. During James’ reign, the famous The Mayflower ship sailed to America (1620) -
House of Burgesses
A group of representatives, each elected from each county in Virginia. First met on July 30, 1619 -
Mayflower Compact
A set of rules created by the English settlers to self-governate. -
New Hampshire
Became a royal colony -
Became a royal colony -
Period: to
Reign of Charles I
Charles I reigned Britain from 1625-1649. During his reign, the English Civil war began and lasted for 4 years. Charles I was tried by the House of Commons, found guilty, and was set to die on January 30, 1649. -
Became a royal colony -
Became a royal colony -
Rhode Island
became royal colony -
Period: to
Commonwealth Period
England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland were all ruled as a republic. Years after Charles I’s execution, Oliver Cromwell was named the Lord Protector of England. Later, of Ireland after 4 years of campaigning, brought Ireland under his reign. In less than a year, Cromwell would go to Scotland and bring it under his control also. Until his death. -
First Navigation Act
The English Parliament wanted to get as much control possible and overlook the trade between the colonies and the world. The main idea of the Navigation Act was all goods imported and exported were to be carried by English ships. -
Period: to
Reign of Oliver Cromwell
4 years before starting his reign, Cromwell proclaimed Britain a republic ‘The Commonwealth’. Before becoming Lord Protector (of England, Scotland, and Ireland) from 1653-1658, Oliver Cromwell was active in the Parliament, and was even part of the Civil War by organizing armed forces. -
Period: to
Reign of Richard Cromwell
Richard Cromwell was Oliver’s third son but was appointed second ruling. After serving for 9 months (1658-1659), he was persuaded to resign, probably due to his lack of knowledge on military, which made it harder to get respect. -
Period: to
Reign of Charles II
During his reign from 1660-1685, new buildings were built due to two disasters: the Great Plague (1665) and the Great Fire of London (1666). One building that can still be seen today is St. Paul’s Cathedral. Nevertheless, Charles II is said to have been a weak king. -
Bacon's Rebellion
Nathaniel Bacon went up to William Berkeley and asked to help him get the Native Americans back to being practically slaves. However, Berkeley did not want to attack the Native Americans, leading to Bacon and others to run Berkeley out of Virginia and attacking Native Americans. -
Became a royal colony -
New York
Became a royal colony -
Period: to
Reign of James II and VII
James II and VII of Scotland was exiled after the Civil War. His reign only lasted three years, from 1685 to 1688. -
Period: to
Reign of William III
William of Orange led 450 ships to Devon on November 5th, 1688. After recruiting local support, his army was made of 20,000 soldiers. William defeated James II army after his attempt of reclaiming the throne. William had the Crown for life after the death of Mary in 1694. -
Became a royal colony -
Became a royal colony -
Period: to
Salem Witch Trials
The Salem Witch Trials were trials that started in 1692 and ended in 1693. In Salem Village, Massachusetts, women started to claim they were possessed by the Devil and accused other women of practicing witchcraft. However, not only women accused, but men and children were also tried. After a few months, people started to oppose the horrible trials against the accused people. So much so that the Massachusetts General Court repealed the guilty verdicts. -
New Jersey
Became a royal colony -
Period: to
Reign of Anne
When Anne was 37 years old, she succeeded to the throne from 1702 to 1714. During her reign, the United Kingdom of Great Britain came to be. Anne was only able to have 1 child, William, out of 17 pregnancies. However, he died from smallpox when he was 11. -
Period: to
Reign of George I
Even though George I could barely speak English, his reign lasted 13 years (1714-1727). -
Period: to
Reign of George II
Just like his father, George II depended on Sir Robert Walpole to rule the country from 1727 to 1760. -
North Carolina and South Carolina
Became a royal colony -
Molasses Act Passed
A law passed in 1733 where tax was force on molasses, sugar, and rum exporting to the thirteen colonies in America. It was a way to control the American sugar market to meet the needs of Britain to be able to keep up with other countries such as France. The act was later changed minimally due to the high protests from the American colonists. -
Became a royal colony -
Period: to
Albany Congress
A conference in Albany where the British colonies located in America wanted to come together and join forces against France. Only seven colonies sent delegates to the meeting, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, New York, and Maryland. -
Period: to
French and Indian War
Otherwise known as Seven Year’s War, the French and Indian War all started because the borders in North America were not specifically defined, and the dispute over the Ohio River Valley was the start of it all. With the Treaty of Paris, France lost almost all its land in North America to Britain, making Britain the dominant power over the land. -
Period: to
Pontiac's Rebellion
Pontiac attacked a British force in Detroit after realizing they were far worse than the French. Ojibwas, Potawatamis, Wyandots, and primarily of Ottawas all followed Chief Pontiac’ siege.