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Britain and China

By Reed07
  • Period: to

    China Resists Foreign Influence

    -- Qing (Manchu) Dynasty
    -- Chinese had little interest in trading with western nations
    -- Europeans: silk, porcelain, tea, spices,
    -- Chinese did not need to trade
  • Period: to

    Opium War

    -- Chinese emperor asks Queen Victoria to stop the opium trade/unanswered
    -- China destroys millions of dollars of opium
    -- China is no match for modern weaponry and equipment
    -- 1842 Sign the Treaty of Nanjing
  • Period: to

    China Resists Foreign Influence (Part 2.)

    -- The British imported opium from India to China in exchange for silk.
    -- Chinese silver was used to buy opium and the Chinese government was fearful of a trade imbalance
    -- China demanded that opium sales stop, but the British did not comply. This lead to opium wars
  • Period: to

    Treaty of Nanjing

    -- China paid Britain's war costs
    -- Opened 5 ports to trade
    -- Extraterritoriality
    -- Britain received the island of Hong Kong
    -- Sometimes called the 1st of the Unequal treaties
    -- Western powers carved out of spheres of influence (exclusive trading privileges)
  • Period: to

    Chinese Reaction to Imperialism

    -- The Taiping Rebellion
    --- 1850 - 1864
    --- Chinese peasants angry over poverty and corruption/natural
    disasters/loss of mandate of Heaven
    --- Destroyed Chinese economy
    --- Millions of deaths
    --- Put down with the help of westerners
  • Period: to

    Chinese reform

    Chinese government resists modernization
    -- Self strengthening movement

    -- Dowager Empress Ci Xi ruled Chine from 1861 to 1908
    -- Weapons and steam driven ships
    -- Western experts
    -- 100 days of reform
    -- Too little too late
    -- United States: Open Door Policy
  • Period: to

    The Boxer Rebellion

    -- Boxers Society of Harmonious Fists
    -- 1900 throw out the foreigners
    -- Death to foreign devils
    -- Growth of nationalism
    -- Failure
    -- Westerners send 20,000 soldiers to put down the rebellion
  • Period: to

    Sun Yat-sen (Sun Yixian)

    -- Revolution of 1911
    -- 1st president of Chinese republic
    -- Three Principles of Sun Yixian
    --- End foreign domination
    --- Form a representative government (democracy)
    --- Create economic security for all Chinese