
  • US Declares War on Japan

    -War declared because of Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
  • Battle of The Coral Sea

    Battle of The Coral Sea
    -Five day battle fought with airplanes
    -Allied forces: Australia & America wanted to stop the Japanese drive toward Australia
    -Fought against the Japanese
    -The Allied forces stopped Japan for the first time since Pearl harbor
    -Battle ended on May 8th 1942
  • The Battle of Midway

    The Battle of Midway
    -Japan thrusted at Midway (a strategic island laying west of Hawaii)
    -Allies (America & Australia) stopped Japan because they broke Japan's code which included the information that Midway was the next target
    -Turning point of the Pacific War, Japanese were devastated
    -Japanese official said- at Midway the Americans had avenged Pearl Harbor"
    -Battle ended on June 7th 1942
  • Guadalcanal

    -First Japanese defeat on land
    -America was victorious, then kept leapfrogging across the Pacific to Japan
    -Allied forces landed on Leyete Island in the Philippines in October 1944
    -General MacArthur announced: "People of the Philippines: I have returned"
    -Ended on September 9th 1943
  • The Phillipine Sea

    The Phillipine Sea
    -Japanese put entire Navy into Leyte Golf & had a new tactic: kamikaze (a suicide plan where Japanese pilots crashed their bomb-laden planes into Allied ships)
    -Sunk 16 ships, damaged 80 others, but was a disaster for Japan
    -Japan lost 3 battleships, 4 aircraft carriers, 13 cruisers, and almost 500 planes in 3 days
    -From there on the Imperial Navy wasn't frequently used for Japan's defense
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    -In Soviet Union: Winston Churchill, Roosevelt & Stalin met
    -Discussed fate of Germany & what the post-war world will look like
    -Stalin wanted a harsh approach-Churchill strongly disagreed so Roosevelt was the mediator
    -Compromised: divided Germany into 4 zones Allies would occupy
    -Stalin decided to help America fight Japan
    -Lasted 8 days, ended on February 11th
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    -Allies attacked after conquering the Philippines
    -Iwo Jima was critical to the US because of the bombers that could reach Japan
    -Japanese guarded the small island heavily by entrenching tunnels & caves
    -6,000 Marines were killed: the highest death toll in the Pacific war (up to that point)
    -Ended March 26th 1945
  • The Battle For Okinawa

    The Battle For Okinawa
    -US marines invaded Okinawa, Japan unleashed more kamikaze attacks
    -Allies faced fierce opposistion
    -Was known as "a taste of war in Japan" because this could be how it would play out on their turf
    -At the end 7,600 Americans were lost, but 110,000 Japanese were dead
    -Battle ended on June 22nd
  • Hiroshima

    -Enola Gay released an atomic bomb ("Little Boy") was unleashed on the Japanese military camp (Hiroshima)
    -Everything turned to dust, Hiroshima then ceased to exist
    -Japan was still hesitant to surrender
  • Nagasaki

    -Three days after Hiroshima, Bockscar released another atomic bomb ("Fat Man") on the city Nagasaki
    -The bomb leveled 1/2 of the city and left 200,000 dead
    -Emperor Hirohito then decided it was time to end the war to save civilian lives
  • V-J (Victory in Japan) Day

    -Emperor Hirohito surrendered after the second atomic bomb was released on Nagasaki