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Brilyn's timeline

  • My first time in this world

    My first time in this world
  • My first birthday

    My first birthday
  • First steps!

    First steps!
    I was about 1 in a half when I started to walk.
  • The tornado I survived

    The tornado I survived
    My sister was holding me in her arms and the sirens went off then she ran to the basemeant put me in a corner and grabed a blanket and put it over us! Best sister ever!
  • Clean up!

    Clean up!
    The town got together to clean up the disaster!
  • 3rd birthday

    3rd birthday
    My sister smashed my face in a cake and I cried!>.<
  • I moved to illinois

    I moved to illinois
    I moved from Texas to Illinois becasue my mom and dad got divorced!
  • When I was 4 I found out that I was allergic to tabacco!

    When I was 4 I found out that I was allergic to tabacco!
    I ate a whole cartoon of cigarettes when I was little then my whole face started to swell up and I couldnt breath. So the doctors had to put 2 eppy pens in my thigh. So they say that if I smoke i will swell up and die! Very scary I think!
  • Gar Gar binks died.

    Gar Gar binks died.
  • I got my first Junior Dragster!!:D

    I got my first Junior Dragster!!:D
    I MISS RACING SO MUCH!!!): I had to quit because I moved away!!.):
  • My mother and step dad got married.

    My mother and step dad got married.
  • My niece kami was born!

    My niece kami was born!
  • My step dad got his first dragster.

    My step dad got his first dragster.
    It was amazing!!!(:
  • Kassi was born 2nd niece!

    Kassi was born 2nd niece!
  • Step dad and mom got divorced!):

    Step dad and mom got divorced!):
  • New House!!!

    New House!!!
    I think it is haunted!
  • Moved to a different town!

    Moved to a different town!
  • My Cartilage:P

    My Cartilage:P
    It didn't hurt at all.
  • Kami modleing in the pool!

    Kami modleing in the pool!
    Thats my oldest niece!
  • I got my industrial done!

    I got my industrial done!
    It hurts at first but then it dosent.