Bridging the Testaments Visual Timeline

  • 960 BCE

    King Solomon builds the Temple in Jerusalem.

  • Period: 927 BCE to 931 BCE

    Solomon dies. Kingdom splits into Israel and Judah.

  • 884 BCE

    Samaria is built as capital of Israel.

  • 722 BCE

    Assyrians capture Samaria, ending kingdom of Israel. Dispersion of Jews begins.

  • 621 BCE

    King Josiah begins Deuteronomistic reform.

  • 612 BCE

    Nineveh, capital of Assyria, falls to the Babylonians.

  • 597 BCE

    Babylon takes over Judah, sends king and others into exile.

  • 587 BCE

    Babylon destroys Jerusalem and Temple. Main exile to Babylon begins.

  • 538 BCE

    Persia conquers Babylon. King Cyrus of Persia sets exiles free.

  • Period: 517 BCE to 520 BCE

    Temple is rebuilt.

  • 516 BCE

    Cyrus frees exiles to return to Judah.

  • Period: 445 BCE to 425 BCE

    Nehemiah rebuilds walls of Jerusalem.

  • 332 BCE

    Greeks conquer Persia; Alexander the Great conquers Judea and Jerusalem.

  • 167 BCE

    Maccabees revolt against Greek rulers.

  • 63 BCE

    Roman General Pompey captures Jerusalem.

  • 31 BCE

    Romans conquer Greeks, rule Palestine.

  • Period: 2 BCE to 4 BCE

    Jesus is born.

  • Period: 30 to 33

    Jesus is tried, crucified, and resurrected. Pentecost occurs 50 days after Jesus’ Resurrection and his disciples document numerous interactions with Jesus.

  • Period: 40 to 50

    Paul the Apostle writes epistles to individuals and communities about the gospel.

  • Period: 60 to 70

    Mark the Evangelist composes his Gospel.

  • 66

    The Great Revolt begins.

  • 70

    The Second Temple is destroyed by Rome as retribution for the Great Revolt.

  • Period: 70 to 80

    The Evangelists Matthew and Luke compose their Gospels.

  • Period: 90 to 100

    John the Evangelist composes his Gospel.