Bridge To Terabithia Timeline

By Mady.E
  • Jess runs every morning

    Jess runs every morning
    Jess runs every morning because he wants to be the fastest kid in the 5th grade.
  • Leslie moves into Perkin Place

    Leslie moves into Perkin Place with her mom and dad and meets Jess.
  • Starts Races

    They start the races and Leslie comes over and ends up racing. She beats everyone.
  • Leslie Gets Bullied

    The classes homework assignment is to watch a documentery on television. The problem though, is that Leslie doesn't have a tv. That is why she gets bullied.
  • Jess and Leslie create Terabithia

    Jess and Leslie create Terabithia
    Jess and Leslie create Terabithia and start to colect supplies for the castle stronghold.
  • Jess is no longer scared of the woods

    Jess was originally scared to go into the woods. Leslie helped him overcome his fear by having him close his eyes and listen to the peaceful silence. Then, Jess was no longer scared.
  • Quote 1

    The she smiled at Leslie, then Leslie smiled back.
  • Quote 2

    Lord, Leslie. Don't say that. You can always watch on mine.
  • Jess and Leslie get revenge on Janice Avery

    May Belle is mad at Janice so Jess and Leslie get her back for May Belle. They write a note to Janice Avery pretending to be Willard Hughes saying stuff about his "love," for her. They then place the note in Janice's desk. She reads it and "Willard," tells Janice that he will walk her home. When Janice finds out it's fake, she is very mad.
  • Quote 3

    Janice Avery stomps onto the bus angry because she was tricked.
  • Jess Gets Leslie A Puppie For Christmas

    Jess is stressed because he doesn't know what to get Leslie for Christmas, but one day he see's a sign that says,"Puppies for Free." He then gets her a puppy and she loves it.
  • Jess and Leslie Name the Dog Prince Terrian.

    Jess and Leslie want the dog to be a part of Terabithia, so, they name Leslie's puppy Prince Terrian.
  • Mr. Burke Is Repairing The Old Perkin's Place

    Mr. Burke starts to repair the Perkin's Place and one one the rooms he does is the living room. He paints the living room gold and when the sun comes in, the room shimmers and shines.
  • Leslie's Parents Are working and Writing

    Bill is working on the old Perkin's Place and her mom is working on writing a book. So, this leaves Leslie to hunt and trap by herself.
  • Janice Avery Is Crying In The Bathroom

    Leslie and Jess hear Janice Avery crying in the bathroom. Leslie finds out why and it's because Janice's dad beats her. But it wwasn't just that. Janice told her friends and her friends told the whole school. Leslie told Janice to just go out there and pretend she has no idea what their talking about.
  • Quote 4

    Oh spirits of the grove, we are come on behalf of our beloved kingdom which lies even now under the spell of some evil, unknown force.
  • Easter Sunday Church Service

    It was March and it was almost easter. Mrs. Aarons' only wants to go to church on easters because she got in a fight with the minister. She wants everyone to look nice. The girls wanted to go shopping for a dress but then their dad comes home and says that he got laid off. The girls can no longer go get nice dresses.
  • Rain Is The Curse On Terabithia

    It's raining and Jess and Leslie decide to go to Terabithia. They gather supplies and head there. It's so cold that it's like ice stinging their feet. The rain ended up being a curse on Terabothia.
  • Jess and Miss. Edmunds Go To National Gallery

    Jess and Miss. Edmunds both really like art, so, they both went to a museum together. When they went to get lunch, Jess instantly remembered that he didn't bring any money. But luckily, Miss. Edmunds said that when she invites someone, she pays.
  • Jess And His Dad Are Paying Their Respects To Leslies Family

    Jess and his dad head over to the old Perkin's Place to pay respects to Leslie's family. Leslie's grandmother comes up crying and hugs Jess. Jess see's everyone else crying and has no idea what is going on.
  • Jess Believe's That Leslie Is Dead

    Jess finds out Leslie is dead and storms out of the old Perkin's Place. Jess heads to the stream and throws the paints and papers into the water. Jess's dad came and sat next to him. Jess is devastated.
  • Quote 5

    I'm sorry, I can't bear it.
  • Jess Gets Told Leslie Is Dead, But Jess Doesn't Believe It

    Jess gets back home from museum and gets told that Leslie died. Jess goes to bed, then wakes up and remembers getting told that Leslie died. But, Jess thinks that it was part of his dream.
  • Jess Saves May Belle

    Jess heads to Terabithia and puts a log over the stream and crosses on that. May Belle followed Jess and she started crossing the log, then, she got stuck. Jess went over to her and told her how to move to get to land.
  • Leslie's Desk Is Moved Out Of The Classroom

    Jess comes to school and walks into the classroom to see that Leslie's desk is no longer there.