Bridge to Terabithia

  • Intro to Jess

    Intro to Jess
    Jesse Aarons and his family are introduced. Jesse is the only boy in his family, with two older and two younger sisters. Jesse doesn't get along too well with his sisters, except for his younger sister, May Belle. Jesse wants to be the fastest runner in the 5th grade. We also learn he wants to be an artist, but his father disapproves.
  • Leslie Moves In

    Leslie Moves In
    While out running, Jesse meets Leslie Burke, a girl his age that is moving in next door. Leslie tells him she would like to be friends, but Jesse blows her off.
  • First Day of School

    First Day of School
    The boys have their usual races at lunchtime and Jesse suggests that girls be allowed to race, since Leslie has been around watching them race. Leslie is eager to enter the race, and beats all the other boys, including Jess. She earns the title "The Fastest Kid in the 5th Grade"
  • Jess and Leslie become friends

    Jess and Leslie become friends
    Jesse notices that Leslie enjoys music class as much as he does, and he decides he would like to be friends with her. Some of the kids at school make fun of Leslie because she is different. Because he likes to draw, Jesse often feels like he doesn't fit in at school also.
  • Terabithia is Created

    Terabithia is Created
    Jesse and Leslie create Terabithia, a special place in the woods behind their houses, where they can be rulers of an imaginary kingdom. They can only get to Terabithia by swinging across a creek on a rope.
  • Bullies at School

    Bullies at School
    Janice Avery, a bully at school, picks on May Belle. Jesse and Leslie plot to get revenge, and trick Janice into thinking a boy she likes wants to take her on a date. Janice is humiliated, and May Belle thinks Jesse is a hero.
  • Christmas Gifts

    Christmas Gifts
    Jesse finds a free puppy to give Leslie for Christmas. They name the puppy, Prince Terrien. Leslie gives Jesse art supplies and paper, a gift he treasures.
  • Meet the Burke's

    Meet the Burke's
    Jesse gets to know Leslie's parents better when he helps them fix up their house. Jesse realizes how different Mr. and Mrs. Burke are from his own parents.
  • Janice pt. 2

    Janice pt. 2
    We learn that Janice does not have the best home life, leading us to understand why she acts the way that she does at school. Jess and Leslie start becoming friendlier to Janice.
  • Easter Sunday

    Easter Sunday
    Leslie attends church with Jesse and his family for Easter. She argues with Jesse and May Belle about whether you will go to hell if you don't believe in the Bible. May Belle wonders where Leslie will go if she dies (catch the foreshadowing).
  • Good Day to Bad Day

    Good Day to Bad Day
    Jesse spends most of the day at the art museum in Washington with his music teacher, Miss Edmunds. When he comes back home he learns that Leslie fell off the rope to Terabithia and died. Jesse cannot believe that Leslie is dead and runs out of the house yelling . The next morning, he acts like she is still alive.
  • Acceptance and Anger

    Acceptance and Anger
    Jesse visits Leslie's family and finally accepts that he will never see her again. Jesse cries and throws his art supplies that Leslie gifted him in the creek, angry that she has left him
  • Honoring Leslie

    Honoring Leslie
    Jesse goes back to Terabithia and makes a wreath to honor Leslie.
  • Saving May Belle

    Saving May Belle
    May Belle follows Jesse to Terabithia, and he has to rescue her before she falls into the creek.
  • The Bridge to Terabithia

    The Bridge to Terabithia
    Jesse builds a bridge over the creek so that there is a safe way to get to Terabithia. He brings May Belle across and makes her part of the imaginary kingdom.