Bridge to Terabithia

By jyoung_
  • Jess Runs

    Jess woke up early in the morning and ran just like he does every morning.
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    Bridge to Terabithia

  • Jess Imagines Being the Fastest

    As Jess was running in the morning he imagined that his hard work would pay off and he would be the fastest kid in the grade.
  • Leslie Moves In

    Leslie and her family drove a U-haul to the "Old Perkin's Place" and Jess sees them and the truck.
  • Jess Draws

    Jess decided that he wanted to draw so after lots of thinking he draws a hippo falling off a cliff that he is very proud of.
  • Jess Wants to Be an Artist

    Jess thinks back to when he told his father that he wanted to be an artist and his father was not happy with that decision.
  • Leslie Talks to Jess

    As Jess is running Leslie talks to him for the first time. "If you're so afraid of the cow," the voice said, "why don't you just climb the fence?"
  • Leslie Runs In the Race

    When Jess and all of the other kids are getting ready to run the race Jess invites Leslie to run too. She beats all of them and wins the whole thing.
  • Gary Doesn't Want Leslie to Race

    After Leslie won the first race Gary tried to kick her out of the races because he didn't want to lose to a girl. "OK, you had your fun. You can run on up to the hopscotch now."
  • Leslie Tells Jess Why She Moved

    Leslie tells Jess that she moved to the little country town so that she and her family could have other things to focus on than money.
  • May Belle Gets Leslie's Dolls

    May Belle was bothering Leslie and Jess so Leslie offered the paper dolls that she didn't use anymore. "When you're my age" -- Leslie gave a little sigh--"you just don't play with paper dolls anymore. My grandmother sent me these. You know how it is, grandmothers just forget you're growing up."
  • They Imagined the Beginning of Terabithia

    Jess and Leslie began to think of the idea of Terabithia. "It might be a whole secret country," she continued, "and you and I would be the rulers of it."
  • Janice Takes May Belles Twinkies

    May Belle told her friend that she had a twinkie and Janice heard her. At recess, Janice stole her twinkie. "Neither of them were too surprised to see May Belle come screaming toward them at recess time. "She stole my twinkies!"
  • Jess Finds the Dog

    As Christmas was getting closer, Jess had no idea what to get Leslie until he finds a box of free puppies and takes it for her. "There was no mistaking the delight in Leslie's eyes. She dropped to her knees on the cold ground, picked the puppy up, and held it close to her face."
  • Leslie Gives Jess Watercolors

    For Christmas Leslie gave Jess a set of watercolors and three brushes and a pad of art paper.
  • Leslie Helps Janice

    Leslie hears Janice crying in the bathroom so she decides to go in and talk to her. After talking to her Leslie finds out that Janice's dad beats her.
  • Leslie Goes to Church

    On Easter, Leslie wanted to go to church with Jess and his family.
  • Jess Goes to Washington

    Miss Edmunds asked Jess to go to Washington with her to all the museums.
  • Leslie Dies

    When Jess came back from Washington he found out that Leslie had died when she was swinging across the rive on the rope swing.
  • Jess Builds the Bridge

    After Leslie died Jess decided to build a bridge so there would be a safe way to cross. He used the lumber from Leslie's house.
  • May Belle Becomes Queen

    After the bridge is finished Jess takes May Belle across and decided to make her the queen of Terabithia.