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Brexit Timeline

  • The UK Votes to Leave the EU

    The UK Votes to Leave the EU
    The Leave campaign won 51.9% to 48.1%. There was a gap of about 1.3 million votes. David Cameron announced his resignation as prime minister the following day, thus putting Brexit in motion.
  • Theresa May "Hard Brexit" Speech

    Theresa May "Hard Brexit" Speech
    This was a speech by Prime Minister Theresa May on the future of Brexit. May gave this empowering speech to urge the UK to leave the single market of the EU. This will give the UK the chance to trade with the rest of the world. May also outlined 12 negotiating objectives for the future of the UK. The public reaction:
  • Article 50 of Lisbon Treaty

    Article 50 of Lisbon Treaty
    On this day, Prime Minister Theresa May, released article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. Article 50 is a legal mechanism in order to help the UK leave the EU. This commenced the two-year process of exiting the bloc.
  • UK's Divorce Bill

    UK's Divorce Bill
    The UK's leaving the EU largely depends on building their future relationship. The Divorce Bill will allow the UK to leave if they pay off a settlement to the EU. The Office of Budget Responsibility believes that they will be paid off by 2022. However, with some relatively small payments still being made until the 2060s, it is hard to see the UK truly​ being independent. The Financial Settlement:
  • Theresa May's Chequers Plan

    Theresa May's Chequers Plan
    On this day May announced the future relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union. Ministers agreed at Chequers a future UK-EU relationship should be built around an "economic partnership and security partnership". This withdrawal agreement keeps the UK very close alliance with the EU.
  • UK Deadline Pushed Back

    UK Deadline Pushed Back
    In April, the UK’s deadline for leaving the UK was pushed back to 31 October. Now, speculation on whether the EU would be willing to give the UK more time come October was universal. This sparked major disagreements. In the photo is British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. His main mission was to deliver Brexit.
  • Boris Johnson Releases His "Reasonable Compromise"

    Boris Johnson Releases His "Reasonable Compromise"
    Johnson made a proposal to the EU with an alternative to the Irish backstop in a letter. Johnson claimed his plan was “entirely compatible with maintaining an open border in Northern Ireland”, unlike the previous backstop. Making a backstop deal was crucial to continuing the process of Brexit.
    The letter is written to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.
  • Brexit Election Day

    Brexit Election Day
    After Parliament knocked back Johson's Brexit deal, he decided that the only way for Brexit to actually work at this point would be to hold a general election in order to break the Parliamentary deadlock. Johnson won the Leave-voting seats. Video of the general election being accepted.
  • "Departure Day"

    "Departure Day"
    Since Johnson won the majority of votes in December, he was able to pass his withdrawal agreement and finally created a sufficient way for the UK to leave the bloc.