Black codes
This law was desined to help control freed slaves. Because of this law it was illegal for African Americans to own farms. It also made it easy for whites to take atvantage of African Americans and some could even get arrested just because they didnt have a job! -
The 14th Amendment
The !4th amendment states "All persons born or naturalized in the United states, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United states and of the state wherein they reside." It also says no state could kill anyone, take their liberty or property without word from the law. Last it says no former cofederate leaders could hold possision in office. -
Reconstruction Acts
The first act was all southern states except Tennesse form new governments. The second act was that the army was to register voters. By 1868 Alabama, Arkanas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina and South Carolina had set up new governments and joined the Union -
15th Amendment
This law said any male no matter what color of their skin could vote and not be denied. It was made February 3, 1870. It was the last act of reconstruction for the United states.