2013 clip art


By ghe5
  • I was born.

    I was born on April 25, 2002 in Alanta, Georgia and I looked like an asian baby too.
  • My first birthday

    All I can remember is I sumthered my self in cake. :D
  • I went to Disney World for the first time.

    I dropped ice cream on my pants, so my dad got me a new one.
  • My second birthday

    all I remember is running around in my driveway
  • My third Birthday

    My big and buff uncle walked in with my cupcakes.
  • My fourth birthday

    I don't remember anything...
  • My fifth birth day

    I said I was still to old for spankings. I still got them.
  • My first day at elementary school

    I was really happy when I got homework.
  • My sixth birthday

  • Period: to

    Moving to North Carolina

    We got there around 2:30 am. so we stayed at a hotel for the day.
  • Frankies!

    My dad took us to Frankies for the first time! I had so much fun!
  • My seventh birth day!

  • My eighth birthday

  • My 9th birthday

    I went to frankies for the sixth time ( that inclueds going with my brother)
