
Bre's TimeLine

  • Steve Wozniak

    Steve Wozniak
    Steve Wozniak known as "Woz", is an American inventor, computer engineer and programmer who co-founded Apple Computer with Steve Jobs. He;s also important because he helped shape the computing industry with his ideas.
  • Paul Allen

    Paul Allen
    Paul Allen co-founded one of the world's most lucrative and influeintial companies called the Microsoft Corporation in 1974. Paul Allen is a very important because he creates and advances world-class projects and high-impact initiatives that change and improve the way people live everyday.
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs
    Steve Jobs built up Apple's credibility amongst computer users and eventually oversaw the launch of the iMac and iBook, two of the most iconic Apple products in the company's history. He is important because he has been so successful in the technology that we use today.
  • Tim Paterson

    Tim Paterson
    Tim Paterson worked as a repair technician for a computer store in Seattle, Washington. Then, he designed the original DOS for personal computers. He's important because he is the original author of MS-DOS, the most widely used personal computer operating system in the 1980s.
  • Intel

    ntel Corporation is an American multinational semiconductor chip maker corporation headquartered in Santa Clara, California. Intel is the world's largest and highest valued semiconductor chip maker, based on revenue. It;s important because it produced many microprocessors we use in today's innovations.
  • CP/M

    CP/M was a mass-market operating system created for Intel 8080/85 based microcomputers by Gary Kildall of Digital Research, Inc. Initially confined to single-tasking on 8-bit processors and no more than 64 kilobytes of memory, later versions of CP/M added multi-user variations, and were migrated to 16-bit processors.
  • Altair 8800

    Altair 8800
    Altair 8800 was a microcomputer designed in 1975 based on the Intel 8080 CPU. Interest grew quickly after it was featured on the cover of the January, 1975, issue of Popular Electronics, and was sold by mail order through advertisements there, in Radio-Electronics and other hobbyist magazines. This is important because it help start up the people's interest in computers in the mid 1970s.
  • iPhone 5s

    iPhone 5s
    The iPhone 5s is a high-end smartphone developed by Apple Inc. It is part of the iPhone line. It also has a new fingerprint identity sensor, a 64-bit A7 chip, a faster, better iSight camera, and ultrafast LTE wireless, iPhone 5s is forward thinking. It's an important technology because it helps and improve the way we're able to communicate as well as other things.
  • PC-DOS

    PC-DOS s a DOS system for the IBM Personal Computer and compatibles, manufactured and sold by IBM from the 1980s to the 2000s. From its inception until 1993, PC DOS was a rebranded version of Microsoft MS-DOS. It"s important because it improved computers.