Brazil's Dance with the devil CH 5/6

By acote
  • Coubertin adds to comittee

    French aristocrat Pierre de Coubertin launched the first International Olympic Committee at the end of the nineteenth century. According to Coubertin the promotion of sports was "an indirect preparation for war. In sports all the same qualities flourish which serve for warfare: indiference towards one's well being, courage, readiness for the unforeseen. The young sportsman is certainly better prepared for war than his untrained brothers."
  • Modern Olympic Games begin

  • Albert Beveridge statement

    "American factories are making more than the American people can use; American soil is producing more than they can consume. Fate has written our policy for us; the trade of the world must and shall be ours."
  • FIFA formed

  • South Africa joins FIFA

    First non-european country to join FIFA
  • Jim Thorpe stripped of medal

    Thorpe was stripped of medal for earning fifty dollars playing semipro baseball before competing, making him "amateur". IOC president, Avery Brundage said "when colleges pay boys for playing football, they destroy many illusions; the spirit of loyalty, the satisfaction thatcomes from successful play, the fun of it, the amateur spirit. It is like killing Santa Claus."
  • United States joins FIFA

  • Rise of fascist Italian dictator Benito Musolini

  • Brundange became the leading advocate for Hitler's Berlin to host the 1936 games

    Brundange was the head of the United States Olympic Committee
  • No Olympics in 1940 and 1944 due to World War 2

  • World Cup first televised to global audience

  • Israeli athletes taken hostage and slaughter by Palastinians

    Palastinian group called black september killed a number of Isreali athletes before the 1972 Summer Olympics. Brundage refused to cancel the games and several countries boycotted the games.
  • Brundage passes away, Spain's Don Juan Antonia Smaranch named IOC's new head

  • Vancouver hosts 2010 Winter Games

  • World Cup held in South Africa

  • London holds Summer Olympic Games

  • Sepp Blatter's statement

    Sepp Blatter (FIFA president) said during Brazil's nationwide protests in 2013 "Brazil asked to host the World Cup. We did not impose the World Cup on Brazil. They knew that to hose a good World Cup they would naturally have to build stadiums. But we said taht it was not just for the World Cup... There are otehr constructions: highways, hotels, airports... items that are for the future. Not just for the World Cup."
  • Sochi holds winter games