Brazil Important events

  • Brazil Independence

    Brazil Independence
    Their independence was on September 7, 1822. With the fall of Napoléon, Dom João VI returned to Portugal, leaving his young son, Pedro I, behind to govern.
  • Free Slaves

    Free Slaves
    All the slaves were declared free in Brazil. This happened in the year 1888
  • Deodoro da Fonseca

    Deodoro da Fonseca
    He was the first president of brazil. He was elected in 1891. He lived from 1827-1892
  • Christ the Redeemer

    Christ the Redeemer
    The statue is in the city of Rio de Janeiro. It is 91 feet long and 92 feet wide.
  • Capital Inaugurated

    Capital Inaugurated
    The new capital of Brasília is Inaugurated. This happened in the year of 1960
  • Brazil World Cup in Chile

    Brazil World Cup in Chile
    Brazil retained the cup in chile. They retained the cup in the year 1962.
  • Fernando Collor de Mello

    Fernando Collor de Mello
    He was elected president in brazil in 1989. He was 40 years old when he was elected to office.
  • Brazil World Cup

    Brazil World Cup
    The Brazil soccer team won the world cup in 1994. They won it in the United States.
  • Brazil 200th Anniversary

    Brazil 200th Anniversary
    Brazil celebrated its anniversary was in 2000. It was the 200th anniversary celebrated in the country of Brazil.
  • Space Ship Accident

    Space Ship Accident
    There were people that died because of this crash. A spaceship hit a building and killed 21 people.