

  • Apr 1, 1500

    Population at Discovery

    Population at Discovery
    When the Portuguese discovered Brazil, there were about 5 million native peoples living in the country.
  • Apr 30, 1500


    Brazil was discovered by the Portuguese by accident on a voyage to India.
  • Population

    The population of Brazil in 1600 was estimated at around 100,000 people.
  • Population

    By the 1700s, the population was estimated at around 300,000 people. A total of 120,000 were slaves.
  • Population

    In 1819, the population was estimated at around 4,396,000.
  • Independence

    Brazil gained Independence from Portugal. During this time, the country had a monarchical system of government.
  • The end of the monarchy

    The end of the monarchy
    Brazil had a monarchical system of government until the abolition of slavery in 1888.
  • Getulio Vargas

    Getulio Vargas
    Getulio Vargas, a populist leader, ruled Brazil in 1930. Before he came to power, Brazil was lead by Brazilian coffee exporters.
  • The end of the Military Regime

    The end of the Military Regime
    Brazil had about half a century of populist and military government officials until 1985, when the regime peacefully ceded power to civilian rulers.
  • Cultural Groups

    Cultural Groups
    There are many diverse people in Brazil. 53.7% are mulatto (a mixture of white and black), 38.5% black, and Japanese, Arab and Amerindian make up the remaining population. Their relgion is predominately Roman Catholic, although other religions exist such as Potestant, Spiritualist, and Voodoo.
  • Current Issues

    Current Issues
    Current Issues in Brazil include boundary disputes with Brazil and Uruguay, smuggling firearms and narcotics, and paramilitary activities with Venezuela. Brazil is the second-largest consumer of cocaine in the world, making drugs a major issue in the country.
  • Geography and Climate

    Geography and Climate
    Brazil is located in eastern South America, bordering the Atlantic Ocean. Its terrain is mostly flat to rolling lowlands in the north and there are some plains, hills, mountains, and a narrow coastal belt. The climate is mostly tropical, but temperate in the south.
  • Economy

    Brazil's economy outweighs all other South American countries. Services make up most of their economy, with industry and agriculture not far behind. Their primary exports are coffee, soybeans, wheat, rice, corn, sugarcane, cocoa, citrus and beef. Their industries include textiles, shoes, chemicals, and machinery.
  • Government

    Brazil has a federal republic government. They have a civil law legal system. Dilma Rousseff is the current president of Brazil. The largest political party in Brazil is the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party.