Brayden Weise Journey to Nursing Timeline

  • I decide to pursue nursing

    After exploring multiple career options in healthcare, like MD, PA, Dentist, I decide to pursue nursing due to the wide variety of options and specialties.
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  • Graduate High School

    I graduate high school
  • Begin college

    I enroll for my first semester of college at RCC to begin fulfilling prerequisites for nursing school. I enrolled in Cultural Anthropology, American Politics, and Developmental Psychology.
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  • I receive my CNA license

    I complete CNA school and receive my license.
  • I rethink my decision to pursue nursing

    After my rotations as a CNA, I experienced healthcare for the first time, only from a SNF point of view and begin rethinking my choice after seeing some of the terrible conditions.
  • COVID is declared a pandemic

    In my final semester of prerequisites, COVID is declared a pandemic and all of my classes are switched to an online format
  • I finish my last prerequisite for nursing school

    I complete my final prerequisite, Microbiology, and can now apply for nursing programs. I am still unsure at this point if I want to pursue a nursing degree.
  • I decide to pursue nursing, for a second time

    After much thought, I decide to not let my negative experience in CNA school affect my career goals, and continue to work toward a nursing degree.
  • Take my TEAs exam.

    I take my first and only TEAs exam. I score an 85.3%
  • I apply to a nursing program for the first time

    I apply to as many schools as I can, despite many schools not offering seats into their programs due to the pandemic
  • I start trying to make my application more competitive

    I start trying to gain more points on my application by taking a foreign language and taking more advanced English and Math courses
  • Declined from every nursing school

    I am turned down by every program I apply to. Many state it is because they cannot secure clinical placements. Others because my application was not competitive enough.
  • I rethink nursing, again

    After being turned down, I rethink nursing again and become discouraged.
  • Period: to


  • Declined again from every nursing program

  • I decide to pursue other career options.

    I begin taking more classes so I can apply for ultrasound and radiology programs
  • I hear about UNC

    My friend tells me about UNC possibly opening and to submit an application. I'm still unsure if I want to pursue nursing at this point
  • I submit my waitlist application to UNC

    I submit my application, still unsure if nursing is what I want to commit to and skeptical about UNC.
  • Period: to


  • UNC Program Acceptance

    I receive my acceptance letter to UNC and cannot believe I am finally making progress toward my career goals.
  • UNC Orientation

    I attend UNC orientation and decide to fully commit to nursing again.
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  • My first day of ADN school

    I attend my first day at UNC and still cannot believe I find myself finally enrolled in an ADN program
  • Begin my BSN courses

    I begin my first step toward a BSN degree. I had always wanted to pursue higher education if I committed to nursing and had originally hoped to do concurrent ADN-BSN enrollment but didn't know if I would be able to. UNC made this possible.
  • Period: to


  • UNC ADN course completion

    I will finish my last day of my ADN program with UNC.
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  • Take my NCLEX

    I hope to take and pass my NCLEX after completing my ADN course and studying.
  • Finish BSN course at UNC

    I will complete my final courses of the BSN program. I hope to be a part of their future MSN program as well.