Brave New World

  • Beginning

    The story opens up with the warden giving a tour to a group of students of the, London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre.
  • The Vacation

    The Vacation
    Bernard and Lenina decide to go on vacation to get away from the new world and to help Lenina understand what Bernard is saying.
  • John the savage

    John the savage
    Bernard and Lenina meet John and Linda who Bernard soon realizes are the family of the Warden
  • The New World

    The New World
    John and his mother come back with Bernard to out the Warden and John becomes very popular
  • The riot

    The riot
    John does not like this world and hates how brainwashed everyone is. He tries to stop the Delta from taking the soma pills, but things get way out of hand
  • The meeting

    The meeting
    After the riot John, Helmhotlz and Bernard are sent to Mustapha's office. Helmhotlz is sent away to an island while John is forced to stay there.
  • The Orgy

    The Orgy
    John is furious that he can not leave and upset with himself. He proceeds to whip Lenina and himself while others watch.
  • John is dead

    John is dead
    After the orgy John believes that he had sex with Lenina. So upset with himself for breaking his promise he commits suicide.