2021 09 14


  • Merida starts shooting a bow

    Merida starts shooting a bow
    Merida starts learning how to shoot a bow which isn't going so well as she is very young. Since she is a princess her mom laughs at it but does not approve.
  • Men compete for her hand in marriage

    Men compete for her hand in marriage
    In order to find who will marry the princess, they have to compete in a bow shooting. Whoever wins will be able to marry the princess. Instead of Merida standing back, she decides to shoot for her own hand. She splits her first arrow but rather than her mother being proud her mother is furious that she shot her bow as she is the princess.
  • Merida splits the tapestry

    Merida splits the tapestry
    Merida's mother has a tapestry hanging up in one of the castle rooms after Merida shot her bow in the competition her mother was very angry and wasn't being the nicest to Merida. Merida getting mad at her mother split the tapestry only leaving her and her father.
  • Merida's mom looses it

    Merida's mom looses it
    After Merida split the tapestry her mother grabbed her bow and threw it in the fire. Merida was extremely hurt by this because she had the bow since she was a little kid. This was done out of rage for what Merida did to the tapestry.
  • Merida runs off

    Merida runs off
    Merida was very hurt after her mother threw her bow in the fire and she stormed off. She hated her mom for the way she controlled her. She went outside and saddled her horse and took off into the woods. She cried the whole way through the woods wishing her fate could change.
  • In The Woods

    In The Woods
    Soon after Merida runs off her horse spooks and throws her off the front. In front of her is big stone slabs that stand up. But one thing unusual is the whisps which are magic little lights that show you the way to what you wish. As she stands in the middle of the stones she looks at her horse and says that she wishes her fate could change and that's when the whisps show up.
  • Where the Wisps Lead

    Where the Wisps Lead
    These little blue lights are called wisps they are claimed to lead you to whatever you wish. When Merida finds these wisps she begins to follow them. They lead her to an old abandon looking shack. Merida is quite angry at the wisps and she starts going off about how they have lead her to nothing that would help her with what she wants.
  • Into the Shack

    Into the Shack
    Merida stays the night in a nearby shelter she builds. The next morning she goes up to the old shack and knocks on the door. To her surprise, an old-looking witch opens the door and looks at her. The witch and she have a discussion about how Merida wants her fate to change and the witch tells her to come in. When she was inside she saw nicknacks of all sorts and a big cauldron.
  • The Potion

    The Potion
    After Merida looks around the shop she realizes the old lady is a witch. This witch gives her a potion telling her to give it to her mom and it will change her fate. Merida was very happy with this and went home. When she was home she made a pastry with the potion and gave the pastry to her mom. Her mom gladly ate it but then started feeling ill.
  • Its a Bear?

    Its a Bear?
    After Merida's mother ate the pastry and started feeling ill Merida took her to her bedroom and laid her down on the bed. But to her surprise, it wasn't just a little illness she was turning into a bear. Her father hates bears so Merida knows she has to hide her mom so that her dad doesn't kill her on accident. Her mother can't believe her eyes when she looks in a mirror and faints when she sees what happed.
  • Sneak out

    Sneak out
    Merida finally gets her mom to calm down enough to sneak out her dad is having a gathering in the room they need to go through so Merida makes a distraction which almost didn't work. Her dad caught something moving out the back of his eye and looked over. In quick thinking, her mom acted like one of his bear statues which saved her. After they got out they headed to the witch shack to reverse the potion effects.
  • Boom

    When she and her mom get to the witch shack Merida finds out the witch isn't there. She finds a potion which has instructions that say mend the bond by midnight in a few days. Merida gets frustrated at this as she doesn't know what it means so she dumps random potions into the cauldron when this makes her even more irritated she keeps doing it and then accidentally blows up the shack.
  • Are we safe?

    Are we safe?
    After Merida understands what the witch was saying she mends the tapestry but it was too late her dad had found out about her mom. When Merida tried to convince him that it was her mom he locked her up in a room for being delusional and trying to stop him. She finally convinced her naughty brother to get the key to unlocking the door. Once she got out she rushed to the place where her dad was fighting her mom. She finally got him to stop but it wasn't really helping matters.
  • We did it

    We did it
    Merida finally got everybody to loosen the ropes and stop whether they liked it or not. She laid the mended Tapestry over her and her mom right before time was up. When she did so and hugged her mom her mother turned back into a human. Everybody stood there in shock and happiness.