
Brandon's Surviving Hitler Timeline

  • Unknown tragedy

    Unknown tragedy
    jack is little and he dosent know whats going to happen to him
  • Jack lives in Germany.

    Jack lives in Germany.
    jack lives in germany and hitlers taking power in germany.
  • hitler

    hitler controls the jews and gets more power.
  • holocost

    jack gets seperated from his parents and jack lives and his parents die.
  • camp

    jack gets sent to a concertraition camp.
  • killed

    jack sees people geting killed every where.
  • pajamas

    jack has to where stripe pajamas.
  • 3 years

    3 years
    jack has ben in there for three years and never eaten before.
  • work

    he works in a camp with other people.
  • free

    jack has ben free and the nazis are gone and he starts a new life with his the people he meats, it was a trajick.