Brandon's Life Course

  • Birth

    on March 1st 1996 i was born in London Ontario
  • Starting Daycare

    I started daycare at the age of 4 and was taught things to help ease me into grade school.
  • Started Elementary School

    Began my educational career and started developing social skills and interacting with other children.
  • Finishing Elementary School and Starting High School

    I finished my grade 8 diploma and started high school at Saunders Secondary School. I was starting to have an idea of how the world worked and my place in it.
  • Grade 9 Year

    During my grade 9 year i was having difficulties and went to see a doctor, and then i learned i had ADHD and a Non-verbal learning disability, this was very hard to grasp as a young adult.
  • Grade 12 and Mental Health

    I quickly started declining in grades and extra curricular activities rapidly. I started not attending class and i couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I didn't learn until later i had anxiety and depression and i wasn't able to graduate and finish my high school education. This was very discouraging.
  • The Return To School

    I was tired of not doing anything in my life so i enrolled with Centre for life long learning to finish my diploma and move on with my life however i had not resolved any issues with my mental health and they all slowly came back. I only obtained one credit after a years worth of semesters.
  • Current Situation and Future

    I am now much more comfortable completeing the courses online and am actively seeking help with my mental health while doing these online classes. I'm determined to finish my OSSD and become a functioning member of society rather than a burden.