Brandon Bouchard's Life

By YJM100
  • Period: to


    My childhood years
  • Birth

    came alive
  • Moved back to Canon City

  • Entered 3rd grade

    The year that I was in Washington Elementry School in 3rd grade
  • Period: to

    Middle School and High School

    The three torturous years in middle school and the four years in high school.
  • Started playing guitar

    When I first started playing guitar
  • Entered high school

    started going to CCHS
  • Met Yngwie J. Malmsteen

    When I met my god
  • Bought my loudest guitar amp

    Bought my 150 watt Univox amp from the 70's
  • Fell in love

    Fell in love with Destene
  • Period: to

    My future

    From high school to the rest of my life
  • Kids?

    It depends on Destene and what day it is
  • Move out

    When I hope to move out of my parents house by
  • Get married

  • Become a carreer musician

    Start playing music for a living
  • Get my own house

    When I want to get my own house by
  • Create my own guitar company

    When I hope to create my own guitar and amp company by